



Meetha telia (T), Kaath Vish (B), Meetha vish, Bachnaag (H), Vasnaavi (K), Vatsanabhi (M), Vasnaabhi (Te), Vasnaavi (Ta), Vachanabhi, Wachchanavi (Sin)
英語名Indian Aconite
原植物名Aconitum napellus Linn., Indian Aconite
原植物科名Ranunculaceae, キンポウゲ科
入手先情報スリランカ民主社会主義共和国, コロンボ, W. Wilbert & Co.
蒐集者難波恒雄, 他
TMPW No6070



生薬名一般生薬名 (アーユルヴェーダ名又は
サンスクリット名), 英語名
Vatsanabha (A. napellus), Indian Aconite
異名Amrtam, Visamugram, Mahausadham, Garalam, Maranam, Nagam, Stokakm, Pranaharakam, Sthavaradhyam
原植物名Aconitum napellus Linn.
原植物科名Ranunculaceae, キンポウゲ科
分布地域Occurs in India, in the temperate sub-alpine regions of Himalaya extending from Sikkim to Garhwal.
一般応用This drug is narcotic, anodyne, antiinflammatory, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, nervine tonic, stomachic, carminative, digestive, stimulant, cardiotonic and sedative and is used in the treatment of inflammatory conditions of the throat, lungs, intestines and joints, debility, fevers of inflammatory origin, leprosy, cholera, hypotension, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, cardiac debility, dysmenorrhoea/dysmenorrhea, skin diseases, sciatica, gout and rheumatism. Externally, a paste of it is applied in the form of a plaster on the skin of neuralgia, boils etc. The root after mitigation (Soaking in cow’s urine for 2-3 days) is used externally in the form of a paste or liniment in cases of neuralgia, muscular rheumatism and inflammatory joint affections.
応用疾患Kustha (skin diseases), Daha (burning sensation), agnimandya (indigestion), Svasa (respiratory problems), Kasa (cough), Pliha (spleen enlargement), Udara (ascitic types), Bhagandara (fistula in ano), gulma (intestinal tumour/tumor), Pandu (anaemic/anemic conditions), Vrana (wounds), Arsa (piles), Sannipata (vitiation of all the 3 dosas)
成分情報フラボンとフラボノール Flavones & Flavonols
Quercetin 7-O-(6-trans-caffeoyl)-beta-glucopyranosyl-(1→3)-alpha-rhamnopyranoside-3-O-beta-glucopyranoside (*C3), Kaempferol 7-O-(6-trans-caffeoyl)-beta-glucopyranosyl-(1→3)-alpha-rhamnopyranoside-3-O-beta-glucopyranoside (*C3), Kaempferol 7-O-(6-trans-p-coumaroyl)-beta-glucopyranosyl-(1→3)-alpha-rhamnopyranoside-3-O-beta-glucopyranoside (*C3), Quercetin 3-O-(6-trans-caffeoyl)-beta-Glucopyranosyl-(1→2)-beta-glucopyranoside-7-O-alpha-rhamnopyranoside (*C4), Kaempferol 3-O-(6-trans-caffeoyl)-beta-Glucopyranosyl-(1→2)-beta-glucopyranoside-7-O-alpha-rhamnopyranoside (*C4), Quercetin 3-O-(6-trans-p-coumaroyl)-beta-Glucopyranosyl-(1→2)-beta- glucopyranoside-7-O-alpha-rhamnopyranoside (*C4), Kaempferol 3-O-(6-trans-p-coumaroyl)-beta-Glucopyranosyl-(1→2)- beta- glucopyranoside-7-O-alpha-hamnopyranoside (*C4)

フェノール系化合物 Phenol derivatives
2,4-Dihydroxyphenethyl beta-glucopyranoside (*C3, *C4)

アルカロイド Alkaloids
Merckonone (*C1), Aconitine (*C2), Isotalatizidine (*C2), Neoline (*C2), Senbushine A (*C2), Virescenine (*C2), Leroyine (*C2), Songorine (*C2), Songoramine (*C2), 12-epi-Napelline (*C2), 12-epi-Dehydronapelline (*C2), 12-epi-Dehydrolucidusculine (*C2), 14-O-Acetylvirescenine (*C2)

成分 構造式

薬理作用By mitigation the active principles lose their depressant action on the heart and instead become stimulants having mild cardiotonic property. Palpitation of heart is stated to be prevented by taking aconitine tincture. It is said that soaking in cow's milk gives better results than soaking in cow's urine. It has been reported that mitigation does not lower the toxicity of the aconites to any appreciable extent.
伝統医学Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter), Kasaya (Astringent)
潜在力Usna (Hot)
属性Ruksa (Dry), Laghu (Light), Tiksna (Sharp)
消化後の味Madhura (Sweet)
病気に対する効果Vyavayi (penetrating), Vikasi (spreading and breaking), Yogavahi (aquiring the qualities of material with which it is combined), Madavaha (intoxicant), Rasayana (rejuvenative), Pranadayi (life giving), Brmhana (nourishing), Viryavardhana (increasing sexual potency)
3体液に対する効果Decreases Vata Kapha
身体構成要素に対する効果Asra (blood)
器官に対する効果Kantha (throat)
方剤Mrtyunjaya rasa, Hingulesvara rasa, Anandabhairava rasa, Jvaramurari, Pancavaktra, Saubhagyavati, Ramabana, Kaphaketu, Agnitundi vati, Sanjivani vati, Tribhuvana kirti rasa and Laghu visa garva taila.
コメントBecause of roughness it increases Vata, due to hot nature Pitta and blood. It is difficult to digest. This is highly poisonous and should be purified before use. This is done either in cow's milk or in urine. It should not be used in summer, in emergency conditions, rainy season, bad days, by a person who is angry, pitta predominant, infertile, when having hunger or thirst, mental disturbances, when pregnant, in children, old age, rough, or in vital points of the body. While taking Vatsanabha pungent, sour, salt, oil, day sleep, walking in sun should be avoided. One should follow celibacy and use ghee, milk rice, wheat, cold water and sweets.


[2] Indian Medicinal Plants - A Compendium of 500 species, Varier, P.S., Orient Longman Ltd. Chennai (Madras)
Vol. 1 (Repr.1996), pp 47-50.

Plants in Ayurveda (A Compendium of Botanical and Sanskrit Names), 1997. Abdul Kareem, M., Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions, Bangalore

Medicinal plants (Indigenous and exotic) used in Ceylon, Vols. 1-5, 1982. Jayaweera, D.M.A., The National Science Council of Sri Lanka, Colombo
Vol. 4, p 235.

Dravyagunavijnana, Vols. 1-5, reprint 1998. Sharma, P.V., Chowkhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi
Vol. 2, pp 107-111.

Classical uses of Medicinal Plants, 1996. Sharma, P.V., Chaukhambha Visvabharati, Varanasi
pp 10, 336.

研究論文一覧*C1 Desai, H. K., Silverman, L. P. and Pelletier, S. W.; Heterocycles, 48, 1107-10 (1998).
*C2 Chen, Y., Koelliker, S., Oehme, M. and Katz, A.; J. Nat. Prod., 62, 701-704 (1999).
*C3 Fico, G., Braca, A., De Tommasi, N., Tome, F. and Morelli, I.; Phytochemistry, 57, 543-46 (2001).
*C4 Fico, G., Braca, A., Bilia, A. R. and Tome, F., Morelli, I.; Planta Med., 67, 287-90 (2001).
備考Vatsanabha has been variously described as the root of Aconitum deinorrhizum Stapf, A. ferox Wall. or A. chasmanthum Stapf. A. chasmanthum Stapf has been officially accepted as the true source in Ayurvedic formulary of India. A detailed survey of the commercial material available, reveal that the commercial material originating from different localities have different constituents. Thus the material coming from eastern Nepal, Sikkim and other localities of eastern Himalayas, consists either of the root of A. falconeri Stapf, or a mixture of A. falconeri, A. laciniatum Stapf, A. ferox Wall. and A. spicatum Stapf. The material originating from Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh, consists mainly of A. violaceum Jacob. with occasional presence of A. balfourii Stapf, A. deinorrhizum Stapf, A. chasmanthum Stapf and A. falconeri. The material is sometimes boiled in milk and acquires a black oily appearance. It is commercially known as Meetha Telia.