Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market name紅花
Formal name紅花
Japanese nameこうか, Kōka
Vernacular nameHonghua
Latin nameCarthami Flos
English nameSafflower (JP), (CP)
Original plant nameCarthamus tinctorius L., (Benibana)
Family nameCompositae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification flower
Collection informationJapan, Osaka Pref., Tochimoto Tenkaido Co., Ltd.
Collection date1989/06/14
TMPW No.10253

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Collection information
Japan,Osaka Pref.

Scientific information data base

Common name紅花, Honghua, Carthami Flos (JP18, CP2020), Safflower (JP18), (CP2020)
crude drug image
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Original plant nameCarthamus tinctorius Linn., (Benibana)
original plant image
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Family nameCompositae
Used parttubulous flower
Quality for selectionGood Honghua is fresh and cherry red. (TN)
Official compendiumJP XVIII, CP (2020 ed.)
Clinical applicationFor inducing menstruation and removing blood stasis, Honghua is applied for abdominal pain, gynecologic disorder, hematogenous disorders such as poor circulation and menopausal disorders.
Medical systemTraditional Chinese medicine
Drug effect in
traditional medicine
Drugs for invigorating blood circulation
Beneficial effect[Property and Flavor] Warm; pungent.
[Meridian Tropism] Heart and liver meridians.
[Actions] To activate blood and unblock the meridian, dissipate stasis and relieve pain.
[Indications] Amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, retention of the lochia, aggregation-accumulation masses, glomus, chest impediment and heart pain, abdominal pain caused by stasis and stagnation, stabbing pain in the chest and the hypochondrium, injuries from falls, sore, ulcer, swelling and pain.
Chemical constituentFatty acids
Seed (種子): Linoleic acid

Flower (花): Safflower oil (Oleic, Linoleic acidのGlyceride)

Flower (花): Sterols

Lignans & Neolignans
Flower (花): Lignans;
Seed (種子): Tracheloside, Matciresinol-4-O-beta-glucopyranoside

Flavones & Flavonols
Leaf (葉): Luteolin-7-glucoside
Flower (花): 6-Hydroxykaempferol, 6-Hydroxykaempferol-3,6-di-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside, 6-Hydroxykaempferol-3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside, 6-Hydroxykaempferol-3-O-beta-rutinoside-6-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside, 6-Hydroxykaempferol-3,6,7-tri-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside

Flavanones & Dihydroflavonols
Flower (花): Carthamidin, Neocarthamin

Chalcones, Dihydrochalcones & Aurones
Flower (花): Carthamin, Safflor yellow
Flower (花): Safflor yellow B, Safflor yellow A, Carthamin, Hydroxysafflor yellow A, Safflor-metabolin, Safflomin A, Safflomin C

Chemical structure

Pharmacological effectEnhanced uterus tonus, induction of rhythmic contraction, excitation of intestinal smooth muscle, decrease in the blood pressure, suppression of stress ulcer.
DNA sequenceL13862
Classical reference
(Chinese Herbal Classic "Zhenglei bencao")
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DiseaseAmenorrhea, Menorrhalgia, Intra-abdominal tumor, Dystocia, Fetal death, Swelling and pain due to contusion, Pyogenic dermatosis, Anginal pain
FormulationAnzanto, Katsuketsugedokuto, Kakkonkokato, Kamijokito, Kanrento, Saikosokanto, Jokinritsuansan, Jingyobofuto, Sesshoin, Jishusabiho, Jizusoippo, Tsudosan, Tokishusan, Rengyoto
ReferencesJP18: The 18th edition of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia.
CP2020: Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China 2020 edi.
C1) The Encyclopedia of Wakan-Yaku with Color Pictures Vol. II, pp 100-101.
C2) Chem.Pharm.Bull.,40,3355(1992).
C3) Chem.Pharm.Bull.,41,1796(1993).
C4) Phytomedicine,4,277,(1995).
C5) Phytochemistry,31,4001(1992).
C6) J. Natural Prod.,56,39(1993).
C7) Shoyakugaku Zasshi,46,210(1992).
RemarksQianhua (錢花) is the flower, being pressed and dried after harvesting. Banhonghua (板紅花) is the plate-like one which is made by pressing many flowers together and used for manufacturing Yanzhi (臙脂, Jap. name: Beni). For medicinal use, the dried one without pressing is high quality. Yanzhi is used for both lip stick and certified color. The seeds are the main raw material for safflower oil.
Last renewal date2023/04/24