Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market nameカモミール(ジャーマン)
Formal nameカミツレ
Japanese nameかみつれ, Kamitsure
Vernacular nameChamomile
Latin nameChamomillae Flos (Non-JPS)
English nameGerman Chamomile Flower (Non-JPS)
Original plant nameMatricaria chamomilla L., (Kamitsure)
Family nameCompositae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification flower
Collection informationJapan, Osaka Pref., Tochimoto Tenkaido Co., Ltd.
Collection date1989/06/14
TMPW No.10311

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Collection information
Japan,Osaka Pref.

Scientific information data base

Common nameカミツレ, Camitsure, Chamomillae Flos (Non-JPS2022), German Chamomile Flower (Non-JPS2022)
Synonymsカミツレ花, カモミールジャーマン, ジャーマンカモミール
crude drug image
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Original plant nameMatricaria chamomilla Linn., (Kamitsure)
original plant image
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Family nameCompositae
Used part頭状花
Official compendiumNon-JPS (2022)
Clinical applicationAs a diaphoretic, carminative, anti-inflammatory drug and antispasmodic, Chamomillae Flos is applied for common cold, headache and diarrhea. It is also applied for lack of appetite as aromatic amaroid stomachic, and rheumatism as bath agent.
Medical systemEueropean herbal medicine
Chemical constituentMonosaccharides

l-alpha-Bisabolol, l-alpha-bisabolol oxide A, alpha-Farnesene, Matricin, Chamazulene, Matricarin, Chamomilla ester


Apigenin, Quercetin, Patulitrin, 5,4'-Dihydroxy-3,6,7,3'-Tetramethoxy-flavone, Luteolin, Patuletin, Chrysoeriol, Isorhamnetin, Apigenin 7-(6-O-acetyl)glucoside, Apigenin 7-glucoside.

Herniarin, Umbelliferone, Esculetin

Other aromatic derivatives
Anisic acid, Vanilic acid, Syringic acid, Caffeic acid

Chemical structure

Pharmacological effectAntiinflammatory(chamazulene),antispasm (herniarin).
DNA sequenceAJ296412, AJ296447, AJ009324, U82046, U82047
DiseaseCommon cold, Headache, Diarrhea, Anorexia, Rheumatism
Formulationnot used in formula
Related drugsChamomillae Romanae Flos, Roman Chamomile
ReferencesNon-JPS2022: The Japanese standards for non-Pharmacopoeial crude drugs 2022.
C1)Outline of Pharmacognosy, a Textbook, p 220.
C2)Integrated Essentials Parmacognosy, pp 263-264.
RemarksThe most common herb in Europe is Chamomile. There are two kinds of Chamomile. One is German chamomile (Jap. name: Kamitsure) which is an annual grass. The other is Roman chamomile, Anthemis nobilis L. (Jap. name: Romakamitsure), which is a herbaceous perennial. The word Chamomile comes from both "Khamai" which means earth and "Melon" which means apple in Greek since its flower has the flavor of apple. The aroma slightly varies between the two varieties. The flower-head of German chamomile is commonly used in Europe especially in Germany. Its infusion has moderate sedating properties and it is applied for irritation and insomnia. It is also used to keep warm for cold constitution, sweating out, and lowering of fever in the first stage of cold and pharyngodynia. Roman chamomile is said to be the genuine Chamomile. In England, the word Chamomile indicates this one. The constituents are similar to German chamomile as well as the benefits.
Last renewal date2022/07/19