Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market name生地黄
Formal name地黄
Japanese nameじおう, Jiō
Vernacular nameSheng-dihuang, Dihuang
Latin nameRehmanniae Radix (JP), (CP)
English nameRehmannia Root (JP, CP), Chinese Foxglove Root
Other names乾地黄
Original plant nameRehmannia glutinosa Libosch., Kaikeijiō
Family nameScrophulariaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification tuberous root
Production area informationPeople's Republic of China
Collection informationPeople's Republic of China, Luoyang, Luoyang Chinese drug Station, Shadong Chinese drug Market
Collection date1990/10/06
TMPW No.11363

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
People's Republic of China
Collection information
People's Republic of China,Luoyang

Scientific information data base

Common name地黄, Dihuang, Rehmanniae Radix (JP18), (CP2020), Rehmannia Root (JP18), (CP2020)
Synonyms乾地黄, 懐慶地黄, 生地黄, 生地
crude drug image
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Original plant nameRehmannia glutinosa Liboschitz var. purpurea Makino1 or Rehmannia glutinosa Liboschitz, (Akayajiō1)
original plant image
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Family nameScrophulariaceae
Used partthickening root
Quality for selectionThe cortex of good Dihuang is grey and the inside is deep violet. It is enlarged. The taste is sweet with a faint bitterness. (NI)
Official compendiumJP XVIII, CP (2020 ed.)
Clinical applicationAs a tonifying and heat-clearing drug, for reducing heat in blood, nourishing blood, dihuang is applied for hematemesis, thirst and mental instability.
Medical systemTraditional Chinese medicine
Drug effect in
traditional medicine
Drugs for eliminating heat from blood
Beneficial effectUnprocessed Rehmannia Root:
[Property and Flavor] Cold; sweet.
[Meridian Tropism] Heart, liver and kidney.
[Actions] To clear heat, cool the blood, nourish yin and engender fluids.
[Indications] Heat entering nutrient-blood aspects, macula and papule caused by warm toxin; hematemesis damaging yin, crimson tongue, vexation and thirst, fluid comsumption, yin deficiency fever, steaming bone, consumptive fever, interior heat, and wasting-thirst.
Chemical constituentLipids
Cerebroside, Jio-cerebroside

Manninotriose, Verbascose

D-Mannitol, D-Glucose, D-Fructose, D-Galactose

Raffinose, Stachyose, Sucrose

Catalpol, Aucubin, Rehmannioside A, Rehmannioside B, Rehmannioside C, Rehmannioside D, Rehmaionoside A, Rehmaionoside B, Rehmaionoside C, Rehmaionoside D, Melittoside, Leonuride

Carotenoids & Vitamin A
Vitamin A


Phenol derivatives

Amino acids

鉄 [Fe]

Chemical structure

Pharmacological effectHypoglycemic,cardiotonic,hypertensive,diuretic (extract). Cathartic and diuretic(catalpol).
DNA sequence Traditioal Medical & Parmaceutical Database.
Classical reference
(Chinese Herbal Classic "Zhenglei bencao")
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DiseaseFever, Thirst, Constipation, Sore throat, Hematemesis, Nasal hemorrhage, Hematuria, Hematochezia, Irregular vaginal bleeding, Bleeding, Internal bleeding, Polyposia
FormulationIshoho, Unseiin, Ekigento, Ekkiyoeito, Ogibekkoto, Odoto, Orenshodokuin, Kagenryokakusan, Kakkonkokato, Kamiuntanto, Kamisaikakujioto, Kamishimotsuto, Kamishoyosangoshimotsuto, Kamihachimyakusan, Kamihassento, Kanroin, Kikyoto, Kibanto, Kyukikyogaito, Kyukichoketsuin, Keigairengyoto, Keishigomotsuto, Keishitoninto, Goshajinkigan, Gomotsudaioto, Gorinsan, Saikakujioto, Saikoseikansan, Saikosokanto, Saikoyoeito, Sammotsuogonto, Jiinkokato, Shiinsen, Jijintsujito, Jijinmeimokuto (Jinkimeimouto), Shichikensan, Shichimotsukokato, Shimotsuto, Shaito, Shaito, Juzentaihoto, Jumizasan, Junchoto, Shojioto, Shoshinto, Shofusan, Jokinritsuansan, Jinkimeimokuto, Seiishakato, Seishinto, Seisoyoeito, Seinetsuhoketsuto, Seiryoin, Senkanmeimokuto, Sokeikakketsuto, Daibofuto, Jishusabiho, Choreitogoshimotsuto, Tokiinshi, Tokirokuoto, Dokkatsukakkonto, Dokkatsukiseito, Ninjin-yoei-to, Bakumondoinshi, Hachimigangoninjinto, Hachimijiogan, Hacchinto, Byakugokokinto, Bukuryhoshinto, Hointo, Boijioto, Hontonto, Mankeishisan, Ryutan-shakan-to, Ryutan-shakan-to, Renjuin, Rokumijiogan
Related drugsShudihuang, Xiandihuang (see "Remarks")
ReferencesJP18: The 18th edition of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia.
CP2020: Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China 2020 edi.
C1) The Encyclopedia of Wakan-Yaku with Color Pictures Vol. I, pp 63-64.
C2) Outline of Pharmacognosy, a Textbook, p229.
RemarksDihuang which originates from Akayajiō (Jap. name) hardly has market value in Japan. In Nara Prefecture, only a few is cultivated in order to keep the lineage. Fukuchiyama No.1 has been developed by hybridization between "Kaiekeijiō" (Rehmannia glutinosa) and "Akayajiō" (Rehmannia glutinosa var. purpurea). In China, the fresh root of "Kaikeijiō" is called "Xiandihuang" and the dried root is called "Shengdihuang" (Jap. name: "Kanjiō"). "Shudihuang" is dried after steaming. "Shudihuang" is steamed with "Huangjiu", a kind of rice wine such as "Shaoxingjiu", or simply steamed. Then it is dried by daylight. This process, steaming and drying, is repeated 9 times. "Kanjiō" and "Shengdihuang" are applied for heat symptom complex as a drug to dispel pathogenic heat from blood. "Shudihuang" is applied for deficiency of vital energy as a drug for enriching the blood.
Last renewal date2022/10/12