Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market name茵蔯蒿
Formal name茵蔯蒿
Japanese nameいんちんこう, Inchinkō
Vernacular nameYinchenhao
Latin nameArtemisiae Capillaris Flos (JP), Artemisiae Scopariae Herba (CP)
English nameArtemisia Capillaris Flower (JP), Virgate Wormwood Herb (CP)
Original plant nameArtemisia sp.
Family nameCompositae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification flower
Collection informationJapan, Osaka Pref., Tochimoto Tenkaido Co., Ltd.
Collection date1991/07/08
CollectorTsuneo Namba
TMPW No.11429

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Collection information
Japan,Osaka Pref.

Scientific information data base

Common name茵蔯蒿, Yinchenhao, Artemisiae Capillaris Flos (JP18), Artemisiae Scopariae Herba (CP2020), Artemisia Capillaris Flower (JP18), Virgate Wormwood Herb (CP2020)
crude drug image
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Original plant nameArtemisia capillaris Thunberg1, Artemisia scoparia Waldst. et Kit., Artemisia frigida Willd., Artemisia sacrorum Ledeb., (Kawarayomogi1)
original plant image
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Family nameCompositae
Used partseedling (CN), capitulum (JP)
Quality for selectionGood Mianyinchenhao (綿茵蔯蒿) has thin leaves like cotton yarns. Good Yinchenhao (茵蔯蒿) produced in Japan consists of spikes only. It has a characteristic odour and bitterness, which are the stronger the better. (TN)
Official compendiumJP XVIII, CP (2020 ed.)
Clinical applicationAs an antiinflammatory, cholagogue, antifebrile and diuretic, it is applied to treat jaundice, hepatitis and cholecystitis.
Medical systemTraditional Chinese medicine
Drug effect in
traditional medicine
Diuretics removing dampness
Beneficial effect[Property and Flavor] Mild cold; bitter and pungent.
[Meridian Tropism] Spleen, stomach, liver and gall bladder meridians.
[Actions] To clear and drain dampness-heat, disinhibit gallbladder and abate jaundice.
[Indications] Jaundice, a small amount of urine, dampness-warmth, summerheat-dampness, and itching caused by dampness sore.
Chemical constituentMonoterpenoids
A. capillaris (*C1):

A. capillaris (*C1):

A. capillaris (*C1):
Scoparone(= Esculetin-6,7-dimethylether), Scopoletin(幼苗/seedling)

A. capillaris (*C1):

Other aromatic derivatives
A. capillaris, spikes (*C1):
Capillone, Norcapillene, Capilline, Capillene(すべて花穂)

Chemical structure

Pharmacological effectIncrease in bile secretion (decoction,ethanol extract,esculetin,capillin,capillarisin).
DNA sequenceAF045402, AF079953,; Traditioal Medical & Parmaceutical Database.
Classical reference
(Chinese Herbal Classic "Zhenglei bencao")
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DiseaseJaundice, Oliguria, Full stomach, Fever, Restlessness, Chest pain, Pain of lateral sides of trunk, Feeling of bitter in the mouth, Muddy and watery stool, Edema, Chill, Lack of energy, Urticaria, Itching
FormulationInchinkoto, Inchingoreisan, Inchinsan, Inchinshigyakuto, Kanroin, Jiohanho, Tokinentsuto, Tokibyakujutsusan, Tokibyakujutsuto, Maogomito, Kaishun'inchinsan
ReferencesJP18: The 18th edition of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia.
CP2020: Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China 2020 edi.
C1) The Encyclopedia of Wakan-Yaku with Color Pictures Vol. II, pp 38-41.
RemarksKorean Yinchenhao: Dried stem and leaf of Artemisia iwayomogi Kitamura of family Compositae (Jap. Name: Iwayomogi)
Last renewal date2021/09/27