Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market name升麻
Formal name升麻
Japanese nameしょうま, Shōma
Vernacular nameShengma
Latin nameCimicifugae Rhizoma (JP), (CP)
English nameCimicifuga Rhizome (JP), Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome (CP)
Original plant nameCimicifuga foetida L., Cimicifuga yunnanenesis Hsiao, Chinese Bugbane
Family nameRanunculaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification rhizome
Production area informationPeople's Republic of China, Yunnan Prov.
Collection informationPeople's Republic of China, Kunming, Kunmingshi Chinese drug Co.
Collection date1993/04/29
IdentifierXiaobo Li
TMPW No.12877

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
People's Republic of China,Yunnan Prov.
Collection information
People's Republic of China,Kunming

Scientific information data base

Common name升麻, Shengma, Cimicifugae Rhizoma (JP18), (CP2020), Cimicifuga Rhizome (JP18), Largetrifoliolious Bugbane Rhizome (CP2020)
Synonyms黒升麻, 緑升麻
crude drug image
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Original plant nameCimicifuga dahurica Maximowicz, Cimicifuga heracleifolia Komarov, Cimicifuga foetida Linn. or Cimicifuga simplex Turczaninow1, (Sarashinashoma1)
original plant image
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Family nameRanunculaceae
Used partrhizome
Quality for selectionGood Shengma is large without fine roots and the outer surface is black. The cross section is white or light green. (NI)
Official compendiumJP XVIII, CP (2020 ed.)
Clinical applicationAs an antifebrile, antidote, and anti inflammatory drug, Shengma is applied
for fever, headache, pharyngitis, cold, measles, and anal prolapse.
Medical systemTraditional Chinese medicine
Drug effect in
traditional medicine
Diaphoretics with cold property
Beneficial effect[Property and Flavor] Mild cold; pungent and mild sweet.
[Meridian Tropism] Lung, spleen, stomach and large intestine meridians.
[Actions] To effuse exterior to promote eruption, clear heat and remove toxin, upraise yang qi.
[Indications] Wind-heat headache, toothache, mouth sore, swelling and sore of throat, unerupted measles, macula and papule caused by yang toxin, prolapse of the rectum, uterine prolapse.
Chemical constituentTriterpenoids
C. dahurica (*C1):
Cimigenol, Cimigenol xyloside, Dahurinol
C. acerina (*C1):
Cimigenol, Acerinol, 25-O-Acetylcimigenol, 25-O-Methylcimigenol, Dehydroxy-15-O-methylcimigenol, 15-O-Methylcimigenol, 25-O-Acetylcimigenoside, 25-O-Methylcimigenoside
Cimigenol 3-arabinoside, Cimigol, Isodahurinol, Acerionol, Cimicifugoside, 26-O-Methylcimifugoside, Cimifugenin A, 26-O-Methylcimifugenin A, Cimicifugenol, Acetylshengmanol xyloside, Friedelin

C. foetida (*C1,C3,C4,C5):
Cimicidanol, Foetidinol, Acetylacteol-3-O-arabinoside, 25-Anhydrocimigenol-3-O-beta-xyloside, Cimicidanol-3-O-beta-xyloside, Cimicidol-3-O-beta-xyloside, Cimicifol, Cimicinol, Foetidinol-3-O-beta-xyloside, 15-alpha-Hydroxycimicidol-3-O-beta-xyloside, 15-alpha-Hydroxyfoetidinol-3-O-beta-xyloside

C. heracleifolia (*C1,C2,C3):
24-epi-Acerinol, 25-O-Acetyl-7,8-didehydrocimigenol, 7,8-Didehydrocimigenol, 24-epi-7,8-Didehydrocimigenol, Heracleifolinol 3-keto-24-epi-7,8-didehydrocimigenol, 3'-O-Acetyl-24-epi-7,8-didehydrocimigenol-3-O-beta-xyloside, 2',4'-Di-O-acetyl-24-epi-7,8-didehydrocimigenol-3-O-beta-xyloside, 7,8-Didehydro-24-O-acetylhydroshengmanol-3-O-beta-xyloside, 24-epi-7,8-Didehydrocimigenol-3-O-beta-xyloside

C. dahurica (*C1):
C. acerina (*C1):

C. dahurica (*C1):
Ferulic acid, Isoferulic acid

C. dahurica (*C1):
C. simplex (*C1):
Khellol, Ammiol, Cimifugin

Chemical structure

Pharmacological effectAntifebrile, analgesic, antiinflammatory (*E1), sedative, antihypertensive, inhibitior of bone resorption (*C3).
DNA sequenceAB012612, AB029374, AB029375, AB029376, AB029377, AB029378, AB029379, AB029380; Traditioal Medical & Parmaceutical Database.
Classical reference
(Chinese Herbal Classic "Zhenglei bencao")
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DiseaseUrticaria, Anal fistula, Pruritus, Hematochezia due to proctoptosis, Descent of the uterus, Measles, Erosion of the root of tooth, Bad breath, Stomatitis, Swelling and pain of the throat, Headache, Chronic diarrhea
FormulationIoto, Otsujito, Kumihangeto, Shakuyakushimotsugekito, Shunrinshakusekishito, Shomakakkonto, Joshitsuhokito, Joyowaketsuto, Shin'isan, Shin'iseihaito, Jingyobofuto, Jintanto, Seiishakato, Seinetsuhokito, Tokinentsuto, Hochuekkito, Hochujishitsuto, Rikkosan, Rengyoto
Related drugsHongshengma, Guangshengma (see "Remarks")
ReferencesJP18: The 18th edition of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia
CP2020: Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China 2020 edi.
C1)The Encyclopedia of Wakan-Yaku with Color Pictures Vol. I, pp 30-31.
C5)Tetrahedron Lett.,35,4575(1994).
C6)Outline of Pharmacognosy, a Textbook, p 306.
RemarksThe roots of Serratula chinensis S. Moore of family Compositae are used in southern China (Guangshengma). The rhizome of Aruncus sylvester Kostel of family Rosaceae may dilute Shengma derived from genus Cimicifuga rhizoma. Care should be taken with the rhizome of Strobilanthes forrestii Diels of family Acanthaceae that has been distributed as Shengma (fake) in China recently.
Last renewal date2022/11/02