Crude drug sample data base
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Japan,Wakayama Pref.
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Scientific information data base
Common name | 枳殼 (日本産/JP production), Kikoku, Aurantii Fructus, Orange Fruit | |||||
Synonyms | 小枳実, 川枳穀 | |||||
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Original plant name | Citrus hassaku Hort. ex Tanaka1, C. natsudaidai Hayata2, C. iyo Hort. ex Tanaka3, (Hassaku1, Natsudaidai2, Iyo3) | |||||
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Family name | Rutaceae | |||||
Used part | mature fruit | |||||
Quality for selection | Good Zhiqiao is not too big and the color is blue black. (NI) | |||||
Official compendium | CP (2020 ed.) | |||||
Clinical application | As an aromatic amaroid stomachic, expectorant, laxative and for draining pus, zhiqiao is applied for feeling of fullness in the chest and abdomen, pectoralgia, phlegm syndrome and constipation. The behavior is more moderate than zhishi. | |||||
Medical system | Traditional Chinese medicine | |||||
Drug effect in traditional medicine | Traditional classification | Carminatives for regulating flow of Qi | ||||
Beneficial effect | [Property and Flavor] Mild cold; bitter pungent and sour. [Meridian Tropism] Spleen and stomach meridians. [Actions] To regulate qi and soothe the middle, move stagnation to relieve distention. [Indications] Qi stagnation in the chest and the hypochondrium, distention and fullness with pain, food accumulation, phlegm-fluid retention, splanchnoptosis. | |||||
Chemical constituent | Other aliphatic and related compounds Citrus spp. (*C1): クエン酸 (citric acid) Monosaccharides Citrus spp. (*C1): Vitamin C Polysaccharides Citrus spp. (*C1): ペクチン質(pectic substance) Monoterpenoids Citrus spp. (*C1): d-limonene Triterpenoids Citrus spp. (*C1): Limonin Flavones & Flavonols C. hassaku (*C2): Nobiletin, 3,5,6,7,8,3',4'-Heptamethoxyflavone, Tangeretin, Rhoifolin, (3-Hydroxy-5,6,7,8,3',4'-hexamethoxyflavone) C. natsudaidai (*C2,C3,C4,C5): Nobiletin, 3,5,6,7,8,3',4'-Heptamethoxyflavone, 3-Hydroxy-5,6,7,8,3',4'-hexamethoxyflavone, Tangeretin, Rhoifolin, 5,7,8,4'-Tetramethoxyflavone, (Tetra-O-methylscutellarein, Isosinensetin, 5-Demethylnobiletin) C. iyo (*C5) Nobiletin, 3,5,6,7,8,3',4'-Heptamethoxyflavone, Isosinensetin, Sinensetin, 5,7,8,4'-Tetramethoxyflavone, Tangeretin C. kinokuni (*C5): Isosinensetin, Sinensetin, 5,7,8,4'-Tetramethoxyflavone, Nobiletin, Tetra-O-methylscutellarein, 3,5,6,7,8,3',4'-Heptamethoxyflavone, 3-Hydroxy-5,6,7,8,3',4'-hexamethoxyflavone, Tangeretin, 5-Demethylnobiletin, (5-Hydroxy-7,8,3',4'-tetramethoxyflavone) Flavanones & Dihydroflavonols C. hassaku (*C2): Poncirin, Naringenin, Naringin, Neohesperidin, (Narirutin, Hesperidin) C. natsudaidai (*C2,C3,C4,C5): Poncirin, Naringenin, Naringin, Neohesperidin, Hesperetin, (Narirutin, Hesperidin) C. iyo (*C5) Hesperetin, Narirutin C. kinokuni (*C5): Naringenin, Hesperetin, Narirutin, Hesperidin, (Poncirin) Coumarins C. hassaku (*C2): Isomeranzin, 5-[(6,7-dihydroxy-3,7-dimethyl-2-octenyl) oxy]-psoralen C. natsudaidai (*C2,C3,C4,C5): Meranzin hydrate, Isoimperatorin, Meranzin, Marmin, Isomeranzin, Epoxyaurapten, Isoimperatorin, Oxypeucedanin, (Imperatorin, Phellopterin) C. kinokuni (*C5): Isomeranzin Alkaloids Citrus spp. (*C6): Synephrine (*C7): N-Methylthyramine Others Citrus spp. (*C1): Ca塩 (CaCl2), K塩 (KCl) | |||||
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Pharmacological effect | Antiallergic (water extract, sinensetin, nobiletin, tangeretin), antiinflammatory (neohesperidin,sinensetin,nobiletin,tangeretin),antiulcer (marmin,nobiletin) and analgesic (isoimperatorin). | |||||
Classical reference (Chinese Herbal Classic "Zhenglei bencao") | ※Click this image to see the actual image | |||||
Disease | Abdominal pain, Constipation, Diarrhea, Full stomach, , Stomachache, Anorexia | |||||
Formulation | Uyakujunkisan, Kagenryokakusan, Katsuketsusan'oto, Keigairengyoto, Keigairengyoto, Kokikososan, Goshakusan, Saikosokanto, Jippito, Jurokumiryukiin, Junchoto, Jin'en'ippo, Jinsoin, Seijobofuto, Seineitsugeutsuto, Seiryoin, Tsudosan | |||||
Related drugs | Zhiqiao (Orange Fruitproduced in China), Zhishi (Immature Orange Fruit), Chenpi (Dried Tangerine Peel), Qingpi (Green Tangerine Peel), Chengpi (Bitter Orange Peel) | |||||
References | CP2020: Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China 2020 edi. C1)The Encyclopedia of Wakan-Yaku with Color Pictures Vol. I, pp 261-264. C2)Nat.Med.,51,231(1997). C3)Nat.Med.,51,84(1997). C4)Nat.Med.,50,114(1996). C5)Nat.Med.,51,205(1997). C6)Shoyakugaku Zasshi,46,150(1992). C7)Outline of Pharmacognosy, a Textbook, pp272-273. | |||||
Last renewal date | 2021/09/27 | |||||