Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market name莪朮A
Formal name莪朮
Japanese nameがじゅつ, Gajutsu
Vernacular nameEzhu
Latin nameCurcumae Rhizoma (JP), (CP)
English nameCurcuma Rhizome (JP), Zedoary Rhizome (CP)
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification rhizome
Production area informationPeople's Republic of China
Collection informationJapan(ToS), Osaka Pref., Tochimoto Tenkaido Co., Ltd. [Non-commercial Sample]
Collection date2017/05/31
CollectorKatsuko Komatsu
TMPW No.26336

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
People's Republic of China
Collection information
Japan(ToS),Osaka Pref.

Scientific information data base

Common name莪朮, Ezhu, Curcumae Rhizoma (JP18), (CP2020), Curcuma Rhizome (JP18), Zedoray Rhizome (CP2020)
Synonyms蓬莪朮, 文朮, 桂莪朮, 毛莪朮, 温莪朮
crude drug image
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Original plant nameCurcuma zedoaria Roscoe1, Curcuma wenyujin Y.H. Chen et C.Ling2, Curcuma phaeocaulis Valeton2, Curcuma kwangsiensis S.G.Lee et C.F.Liang2, JP products: Gajutsu1, CN products2
original plant image
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Family nameZingiberaceae
Used partrhizome
Quality for selectionGood ezhu is large, fat and fresh. The inside is dense. (NI)
Official compendiumJP XVIII, CP (2020 ed.)
Clinical applicationAs an aromatic stomachic, stimulant, carminative, painkiller and for inducing menstruation, ezhu is applied for indigestion, gripe, menopause and other dysfunction.
Medical systemTraditional Chinese medicine
Drug effect in
traditional medicine
Drugs for invigorating blood circulation
Beneficial effect[Property and Flavor] Warm; pungent, bitter.
[Meridian Tropism] Liver and spleen meridians.
[Actions] To move qi, break blood, eliminate accumulation and relieve pain.
[Indications] Abdominal masses, glomus, blood-stasis amenorrhea, chest bi disorder and heart pain, food retention with distending pain.
Chemical constituentMonoterpenoids
1,8-Cineole, 1,4-Cineole, alpha-Pinene, d-Camphene
d-Camphor, d-Borneol

Zingiberene, Furanodiene, Curdione, Isofuranogermacrene, Isocurzerene, Dehydrocurdione, Curzerenone, Zederone, Curcolone, Curcumol, Curcumenol, Procurcumenol, Curcumadiol, Germacrone, Furanogermenone, (4S,5S)-(+)-Germacrone 4,5-epoxide, Zedoarol, 13-Hydroxygermacrone, Curzeone, Curcumenone

Chemical structure

Pharmacological effectVasorelaxant effect (*E1), anti-inflammatory effect (*E2)
DNA sequenceAB047720, AB047735, AB047726, AB047727, AB047734, AB047743, AB047717, AB047744 (*G1-G3); Traditioal Medical & Parmaceutical Database.
Classical reference
(Chinese Herbal Classic "Zhenglei bencao")
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DiseaseIntra-abdominal tumor, Amenorrhea, Menorrhalgia, Hyperemesis after childbirth, Swelling and pain due to contusion, Abdominal pain, Full stomach, Nausea, Vomitting, Cancer
Formulationrarely used in formula
Related drugsYujin, Huangsiyujin, Wenyujin, Lusiyujin, Guiyujin, Jianghuang, Haruukon.
ReferencesJP18: The 18th edition of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia.
CP2020: Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China 2020 edi.
C1)The Encyclopedia of Wakan-Yaku with Color Pictures Vol. I, pp 137-139.
C2)Outline of Pharmacognosy, a Textbook, p 323.
RemarksIn China, the underground part of genus Curcuma is divided into rhizome and tuber. They are named differently. The rhizome of C. phaeocaulis Val. is called Pengezhu (Ezhu, Wenzhu) and its tuber is called Lusiyujin. The rhizome of C. kwangsiensis S. G. Lee et C. F. Liang is called the following: the whole rhizome is called Wenezhu, the one which is cut longitudinally is called Pianjianghuang and the tuber is called Wenyujin. Their respective production areas are Sichuan Prov., Guangxi Prov. Zhuangzu Autonomous Region and Zhejiang Prov. The Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China lists these three rhizoma as Ehzu. In Japan, They are cultivated in Kagoshima, Okinawa and other prefectures. Most of them are used as an ingredient for domestic medicine. The nomenclature is C. zedoaria Roscoe according to The Japanese Pharmacopoeia. Nomenclatures of Ehzu are complicated. In China, C. zedoaria Roscoe, C. caesia Roxburgh and C. aeruginosa Roxburgh have been applied as nomenclatures of Ehzu. But they were renamed as C. phaeocaulis Val. in 1989, since it became clear that they were not appropriately named in terms of the color of the rhizome and the flower bud. In Japan, Chinese ehzu is commonly used as a crude drug. Therefore, the quality depends on the original plant.
Last renewal date2023/12/15