Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market name益智
Formal name益智
Japanese nameやくち, Yakuchi
Vernacular nameYizhi
Latin nameAlpiniae Fructus (JP), Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fructus (CP)
English nameBitter Cardamon (JP), Sharpleaf Glangal Fruit (CP)
Original plant nameAlpinia oxyphylla Miq.
Family nameZingiberaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification fruit
Production area informationPeople's Republic of China, Hainan Prov.
Collection informationJapan, Osaka Pref., Tochimoto Tenkaido Co., Ltd.
Collection date2014/12/28
CollectorMakoto Kadowaki
RemarksJoint Usage / Research Center Project 2015
TMPW No.28574

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
People's Republic of China,Hainan Prov.
Collection information
Japan,Osaka Pref.

Scientific information data base

Common name益智, Yizhi, Alpiniae Fructus (JP18), Alpiniae Oxyphyllae Fructus (CP2020) , Bitter Cardamon (JP18), Sharpleaf Glangal Fruit (CP2020)
crude drug image
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Original plant nameAlpinia oxyphylla Miquel
original plant image
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Family nameZingiberaceae
Used partmature fruit
Quality for selectionGood Yizhi is large and light yellow or light yellowish-brown. It has a strong odor. (TN)
Official compendiumJP XVIII, CP (2020 ed.)
Clinical applicationAs an aromatic stomachic and antiflatulent, yizhi is applied for functional decline of digestive system, indigestion, diarrhea due to indigestion, and nervous diarrhea. It is used as well as suosha.
Medical systemTraditional Chinese medicine
Drug effect in
traditional medicine
Replenishing Yang(vital function) drugs
Beneficial effect[Property and Flavor] Warm; pungent.
[Meridian Tropism] Spleen and kidney meridians meridians.
[Actions] To warm the kidney to secure essence to reduce urination, when the spleen to check diarrhea and constrain spittle.
[Indications] Kidney deficiency with enuresis, frequent urination, seminal emission and white turbidity, diarrhea caused by spleen cold, cold pain in the abdomen, dribbling.
Chemical constituentMonoterpenoids
1,8-Cineole, beta-Pinene, p-Cymene, Terpinen-4-ol

Zingiberene, beta-Salinene, beta-Caryophyllene, alpha-Humulene, alpha-Copaene, Nootkatone

tectochrysin, chrysin, izalpinin, 3,5-dihydroxy-7, 4'-dimethoxyflavone

(*C1, C2):
Yakuchinone A(1-(4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxyphenyl)-7-phenyl-3-heptanone), Yakuchinone B

Chemical structure

Pharmacological effectAntiulcer (acetone extract, nootkatone) (P1).
DNA sequenceAF254463
Classical reference
(Chinese Herbal Classic "Zhenglei bencao")
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DiseaseAbdominal pain, Chill, Dyspepsia, Diarrhea, Anorexia, Slaver, Spermatorrhea, Frequent urination
Formulationrarely used in formula,
Related drugsAmomi Semen
ReferencesJP18: The 18th edition of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia.
CP2020: Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China 2020 edi.
C1 )The Encyclopedia of Wakan-Yaku with Color Pictures Vol. I, pp 238-239.
C2) Outline of Pharmacognosy, a Textbook, p 322.
C3) Partner Pharmacognosy, p 355.
P1) Chem. Pharm. Bull., 38, 3053(1990)
RemarksThe medicinal benefit of Yizhi resembles "Buguzhi" (補骨脂, Psoraleae Semen). However, "Buguzhi" acts mostly on kidney, while Yizhi acts mostly on spleen. Impotence due to insufficiency of kidney, and knee and lumbar pain with cold symptoms are incurable with Yizhi.
Last renewal date2021/09/27