Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market name骨砕補
Formal name骨砕補
Japanese nameこつさいほ, Kotsusaiho
Vernacular nameGusuibu
Latin nameDrynariae Rhizoma (Non-JPS), (CP)
English nameDrynaria Rhizome (Non-JPS), Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome (CP)
Original plant nameDrynaria roosii Nakaike (= Drynaria fortunei J.Sm.), (Hakamauraboshi)
Family namePolypodiaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification rhizome
Production area informationPeople's Republic of China, Hunan Prov.
Collection informationJapan, Osaka Pref., Japan Natural Medicines Association
Collection date2017/09/21
CollectorKatsuko Komatsu
TMPW No.29051

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
People's Republic of China,Hunan Prov.
Collection information
Japan,Osaka Pref.

Scientific information data base

Common name骨砕補, Gusuibu, Drynariae Rhizoma (Non-JPS2022), (CP2020), Drynaria Rhizome (Non-JPS2022), Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome (CP2020)
crude drug image
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Original plant nameDrynaria roosii Nakaike (Drynaria fortunei J. Smith), (Hakamauraboshi)
Family namePolypodiaceae
Used partrhizome
Official compendiumNon-JPS (2022), CP (2020 ed.)
Clinical applicationSetting bones, removing blood stasis, eliminating inflammation, and tonifying, it is applied to pain in the musculature of the lower back and knees, pain caused by external inflammation such as bruises, pain caused by blood stagnation, chronic diarrhea due to renal insufficiency, tinnitus, and toothache.
Medical systemTraditional Chinese medicine
Drug effect in
traditional medicine
Replenishing Yang(vital function) drugs
Beneficial effect[Property and Flavor] Warm; bitter.
[Meridian Tropism] Liver and kidney meridians.
[Actions] To treat injuries and relieve pain , tonify the kidney and strengthen bone.
[Indications] Topical application: disperse wind and resolve macule. Falls, twist and contusions, fracture and sinew injury, lumbago caused by kidney deficiency, limp wilting sinew and bone, tinnitus and deafness, loose teeth; topically for alopecia and vitiligo.
Classical reference
(Chinese Herbal Classic "Zhenglei bencao")
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DiseaseLower back pain, Ear buzzing, Deafness, Toothache, Tooth movement, Chronic diarrhea, Contusion, Incised wound, Fracture, Alopecia areata
Formulationrarely used in formula
ReferencesNon-JPS2022:The Japanese standards for non-Pharmacopoeial crude drugs 2022.
CP2020: Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China 2020 edi.
C1) The Encyclopedia of Wakan-Yaku with Color Pictures Vol. I, pp 139-140.
RemarksMostly, Gusuibu (骨砕補) is referred as to the dried rhizome of Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J. Smith of family Polypodiaceae (Jap. name: Hakamauraboshi) which is called "Bayanjiang", "Diaolan", "Wuyanjiang", "Bamaofeng" and "Shijini" in Sichuan, "Payajiang" in Henan and Guizhou, and "Baryukyō" (Jap. name) in Guangxi. The rhizomes of the following species are also used.: D. sinica Diels which is called "Houjiang" in Sichuan and "Maonijiang" or "Luotuo" in Gansu. D. propinqua (Wall.) J. Smith var. mesosoria Christ which is called "Payanjiang", "Shiyanjiang," or "Gusuibu" in Sichuan.Pseudodrynaria coronans (Wall.) Ching which is called "Gusuibu" in Guangxi. In China, the rhizome without scale is called "Gusuibu", while the one with scale is called "Shenjiang" or "Houjiang".
Fang Ding, Guangxi Institute of Traditional Medical and Pharmaceutical Science, researched original plants of "Gusuibu" in Guangxi and reported the following species in 1962.: Phymatodes lucida (Roxb.) Ching of family Polypodiaceae ("Houzijiang" or "Gusuibu" in Jingxi of Guangxi), Davallia mariesii Moor. (Jap. name: Shinobu), D. austro-sinica Ching, D. formosana Hayata, and Drynaria bonii Christ, Polypodium amoenum Wall., Colysis elliptica (Thunb.) Ching var. pothifolia (Don) Ching (Jap. name: Arisandenda), Leucostegia immersa (Wall.) Presl. ("Gusuibu" in Jingxi of Guangxi, Jap. neme: Arisan'ōrenshida), Davallia bullata Wall. ("Gusuibu" or "Suibu" in Luchuan of Guangxi), Leucostegia perdurans C. Christ ("Gusuibu" in Kunming of Yunnan).
Last renewal date2022/10/03