Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market nameサンシシ [NIB-192]
Formal name山梔子
Japanese nameさんしし, Sanshishi
Vernacular nameShanzhizi (山梔子); Zhizi (梔子)
Latin nameGardeniae Fructus (JP), (CP)
English nameGardenia Fruit (JP), Cape Jasmine Fruit (CP)
Original plant nameGardenia sp.
Family nameRubiaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification fruit
Production area informationPeople's Republic of China, Anhui Prov.
Collection informationJapan, Ibaraki Pref., National Institutes of Biomedical Innovation, Health and Nutrition
Collection date2011/10/20
CollectorKatsuko Komatsu
Remarks [NIB-192]
TMPW No.29181

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
People's Republic of China,Anhui Prov.
Collection information
Japan,Ibaraki Pref.

Scientific information data base

Common name山梔子, Shanzhizi, Zhizi, Gardeniae Fructus (JP18), (CP2020), Gardenia Fruit (JP18), Cape Jasmine Fruit (CP2020)
Synonyms水梔子, 梔子
crude drug image
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Original plant nameGardenia jasminoides J. Ellis1, Gardenia jasminoides f. grandiflora Makino, Gardenia jasminoides var. radicans Makino, (Kuchinashi1, Korinkuchinashi, Kokuchinashi)
original plant image
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Family nameRubiaceae
Used partfruit
Quality for selectionThe shape of Shanzhizi is round and that of Shuizhizi is slender. In general, the round type, which is massive and ponceau, is higher in quality. (TN)
Official compendiumJP XVIII, CP (2020 ed.)
Clinical applicationAs an antiinflammatory drug, hemostatic, sedative, for normalizing the function of gallbladder, shanzhizi is applied for fidgetiness (mental instability) due to congestion or inflammation, hematemesis, hematuria, congestion and jaundice. For external use, the powder of shanzhizi should be blended with the powder of huangbo and other materials, then kneaded with vinegar. It is applied to bruise externally.
Medical systemTraditional Chinese medicine
Drug effect in
traditional medicine
Drugs for reducing intense internal heat
Beneficial effect[Property and Flavor] Cold; bitter.
[Meridian Tropism] Heart, lung meridians and triple energizers.
[Actions] To purge fire to relieve vexation, clear heat and drain dampness, cool the blood, remove toxin;
topically disperse swelling and relieve pain.
[Indications] Febrile disease with vexation, dampness-heat jaundice, stranguria with slow pain, blood heat with hematemesis, red painful swelling eye, fire-toxin sore and ulcer; topically for sprain and contusions.
Chemical constituentMonoterpenoids
Gardenoside, Geniposide, Genipin, Genipin 1-beta-gentiobioside, Shanzhiside, Methyl decacetylasperuloside, Geniposidic acid, 10-Acetylgeniposide, Gardoside, Scandoside methyl ester
Geniposide, Gardenoside, 以下代謝物 [The following compounds are the metabolites] Genipinine, Genipinine monoacetate, Gardenogenin A, Gardenogenin B, Gardenine

Crocin (Crocetin + Gentiobiose)

Other aromatic derivatives

Chemical structure

Pharmacological effectAperient,stimulation of bile secretion,suppression of gastric juice secretion,analgesic (geniposide).Stimulation of bile secretion,suppression of increase in bilirubin and cholesterol in blood (crocin,crocetin,extract).Hypotensive (extract).
DNA sequenceAF201044, AJ286697, AF102426, AJ224833; Traditioal Medical & Parmaceutical Database.
Classical reference
(Chinese Herbal Classic "Zhenglei bencao")
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Disease, High fever, Disturbance of consciousness, Red eye, Feeling of bitter in the mouth, Thirst, Jaundice, Urodynia, Dysuria, Cloudy urine, Hematemesis, Nasal hemorrhage, Hematochezia, Hematuria, Internal bleeding, Pyogenic dermatosis, Swelling and pain due to contusion, Burn
FormulationInchinkoto, Inchinsan, Unseiin, Ogesan, Orengedokuto, Orengedokuto, Orenshodokuin, Kagenshosaikoto, Kagenryokakusan, Kagenryokakusan'ippo, Kakkonkokato, Kamikihito, Kamishokankyoto, Kamishoyosan, Kamishoyosangoshimotsuto, Kamihachimyakusan, Kijitsushishishito, Kijitsushishidaioshito, Kumisaikoto, Keigairengyoto, Keigairengyoto, Gorinsan, Saikoseikansan, Shishikankyoto, Shishikanzoshito, Shishikobokuto, Shishishito, Shishishokyoshito, Shishidaioto, Shishihakuhito, Shijunseiryoin, Jijinmeimokuto (Jinkimeimouto), Shaito, Junkiwachuto, Shin'iseihaito, Jinkimeimokuto, Seiishakato, Seiinrikakuto, Seijobofuto, Seineitsugeutsuto, Seihaito, Seiryoin, Senkanmeimokuto, Jiohanho, Jishusabiho, Tonsonto, Naisoorento, Bofutsushosan, Rikakuto, Ryutan-shakan-to, Ryutan-shakan-to, Ryokakusan, Rokuutsuto, Kaishun'inchinsan, Compound Phellodendron Powder for Cataplasm
ReferencesJP18: The 18th edition of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia.
CP2020: Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China 2020 edi.
C1) The Encyclopedia of Wakan-Yaku with Color Pictures Vol. I, pp 187-188.
C2) Planta Med.,57,536(1991).
RemarksG. jasminoides has a lot of variants. They are called "Shanzhizi", "Shuizhizi", "Hongzhizi" and "Huangzhizi" according to the color or shape. "Shanzhizi" is the round hand type and "Shuizhizi" is the long hand type. Kuchinashi (Jap. name), a kind of Korinkuchinashi, is G. jasminoides Ellis forma grandiflora (Lour.) Makino. The Japanese Pharmacopoeia does not define Kuchinashi as a variant, but as a breed of G. jasminoides. The original plant of "Shuizhizi" is G. jasminoides Ellis forma longicarpa Z.W. Xie et Okada. "Shanzhizi" has been frequently used as a natural yellow dye since ancient times.
Last renewal date2023/03/23