Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market nameBandhal
Formal nameDevadali
Original plant nameLuffa echinata Roxb.
Family nameCucurbitaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification fruit
Collection informationIndia, New Delhi, Hans Raj & Sons
Collection date1991/05/07
CollectorTsuneo Namba, et al.
TMPW No.12254

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Collection information
India,New Delhi

Scientific information data base

Crude drug nameAyurvedic name or
Sanskrit name, English name
crude drug image
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Original plant nameLuffa echinata Roxb.
Family nameCucurbitaceae
Used partFruit
Therapeutic usesJvara (fever), Svasa (respiratory disorders), Hikka (hicough), Pandu (anaemic/anemic conditions), Durnama (piles), Kasa (cough), Kamala (jaundice), Sotha (swelling), Ama (indigestion), Aruci (lack of appetite), Ksaya (emaciation), Krmi (worms)
Chemical constituentFatty acids
Palmitic acid (*C2, *C4), Stearic acid (*C2, *C4), Oleic acid (*C2, *C4), Linoleic acid (*C2, *C4), Linolenic acid (*C2)

Oleanolic acid (*C3), Gypsogenin (*C3), Echinatol A (*C6), Echinatol B (*C6)

Datiscacin (*C1), Cucurbitacin B (*C1, *C6), Isocucurbitacin B (*C1, *C3), 2-O-beta-D-Glucopyranosyl cucurbitacin B (*C1), 2-O-beta-D-Glucopyranosyl cucurbitacin S (*C1), 2-Epicucurbitacin B (*C5), Elaterin (*C3, *C5), beta-Sitosterol (*C6)

Chrysoeriol 7-glucoside (*C3), Chrysoeriol 7-apioglucoside (*C3)

Flavones & Flavonols
Chrysoeriol (*C3), Apigenin (*C3), Luteolin (*C3)

Medical systemAyurveda (Traditional Indian medicine)
Traditional conceptRasa (Taste)Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter)
Virya (Potency)Usna (Hot)
Guna (Quality)Laghu (Light), Ruksa (Dry), Tiksna (Sharp)
(Post digestive taste)
Katu (Pungent)
(General action)
Vamaka (induces vomiting)
(Action on dosa)
Decreases Kapha, Pitta
Traditional usage1. Root of Ankola (Alangium salvifolium) pounded with rice water and used as snuff alleviates jaundice. Similarly acts the fruit of Jimuta (Devadali) (Luffa echinata) by inhaling.

2. The cold infusion of Jimuta (Devadali) used as snuff, destroys jaundice, similarly acts the snuffing of Kumari (aloe) root pounded with cold water.

3. Devadali (Luffa echinata) is impregnated with Snuhi (Euphorbia spp.) latex seven times and taken in the dose of 125 mg with keeping on salt free diet.

4. Devadali fruits should be taken with curd and thus poison is vomited. This is an excellent remedy for all types of rat bite.

5. The woman should take powder of Devadali flowers 10 gms pounded with milk. It makes the easy delivery. There is no other remedy better than this.

6. Jimuta (Devadali) alleviates three dosas and processed with respective drugs, is useful in fever, asthma, hiccough etc. for emesis.
CommentsDevadali is included in Vamana and Phalini gana of Caraka and Ubhayatobhagahara and Urdhvabhagahara of Susruta.
ReferencesReference book 


Plants in Ayurveda (A Compendium of Botanical and Sanskrit Names), 1997. Abdul Kareem, M., Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions, Bangalore

Dravyagunavijnana, Vols. 1-5, reprint 1998. Sharma, P.V., Chowkhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi
Vol. 2, pp 452-454.

Classical uses of Medicinal Plants, 1996. Sharma, P.V., Chaukhambha Visvabharati, Varanasi
p 152.

Research paper*C1 Ahmad, M. U., Huq, M. E. and Sutradhar, R. K., Phytochemistry, 36, 421-23 (1994).
*C2 Ihara, S., Kato, M. and Tanaka, T., Toyo Daigaku Kogakubu Kenkyu Hokoku, 14, 27-32 (1978).
*C3 Seshadri, T. R. and Vydeeswaran, S., Phytochemistry, 10, 667-69 (1971).
*C4 Srivastava, K. C. and Tewari, J. P., Arch. Pharm., 298, 145-48 (1965).
*C5 Lavie, D., Shvo, Y., Gottlieb, O. R., Desai, R. B., Kborana, M. L., J. Chem. Soc. Abstract, 3259-60 (1962).
*C6 Bhakuni, D. S., Sharma, V. N., Srivastava, S. N. and Kaul, K. N., J. Sci. Ind. Research, 20B, 556-57 (1961).
*C7 Bhakuni, D. S., Sharma, V. N. and Kaul, K. N., J. Sci. Ind. Research, 20B, 360-61 (1961).
Last renewal date2023/11/16