Crude drug sample data base
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Crude drug name![]() | Market name | Mudumahana |
Formal name | Sravani | |
Other names Tips! | Mudumahana (Sin), Mundi (B), Gorakmundi (H), Gorakmundi (K), Atakkaamaniyan (M), Bodasaramu (Te), Kottakkarandai (Ta) | |
English name | Globe Thistle | |
Original plant name | Sphaeranthus indicus Linn., Globe Thistle | |
Family name | Compositae | |
Used part | Classification | Plant origin | Sub classification | whole plant |
Collection information | Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura![]() | |
Collection date | 1980/01/25 | |
Collector | Tsuneo Namba, et al. | |
TMPW No. | 6315 |
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Collection information
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka,Anuradhapura
Scientific information data base
Crude drug name | Ayurvedic name or Sanskrit name, English name | Sravani (Whole plant), Globe Thistle | |||
crude drug image |
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Original plant name | Sphaeranthus indicus Linn. | ||||
Family name | Compositae | ||||
Used part | Whole plant, (Inflorescence) | ||||
Distribution area | An aromatic herb, found abundantly in damp situations in the plains all over India, ascending to an altitude of around 1500m in the hills, especially as a weed in the rice fields. | ||||
Common uses | All parts of the plant find medicinal uses. The drug may consist of the whole plant or only capitula (inflorescences). It is mostly administered in the form of its steam distillate. Juice of the plant is styptic and said to be useful in liver and gastric disorders. Paste of the herb, made with oil, is applied in itch. Antitubercular properties have also been ascribed to the plant. Powdered seeds and roots are given as an anthelmintic. A decoction of the root is used in chest pains, cough, and bowel complaints. Bark, ground and mixed with whey, is said to be a useful application in piles. Flowers are credited with alterative, depurative, and tonic properties. Leaf juice is boiled with milk and sugar candy and prescribed for cough. | ||||
Chemical constituent | - Steam-distillation of fresh flowering herb yields a red, viscous essential oil (yield, 0.01-0.02 %) which is highly soluble in water. A sample of oil (yield, 0.02 %; d30°30°, 0.9935; nD30°, 1.5055; [a]D30°, ± 0°; acid val., 5.8; and ester val., 75.8) from Tambaram (Tamil Nadu), obtained by steam-distillation of the plants showed the following constituents: cadinene, 15.3; a-ionone, 12.6; beta-caryophyllene, 7.4; p-methoxycinnamaldehyde, 7.4; eugenol, 7.0; a-phellandrene, 7.0; ocimene, 6.1; citral, 5.4; a-terpinene, 2.2 %; and an unidentified sesquiterpene (b.p. 127- 28°/10 mm.). - The constants and constituents differed somewhat from those of the oil obtained from Varanasi (yield, 0.01%; [a]20°D; +3.5°; easter val., 42.6) which contained methylchavicol, a-ionone, d-cadinene and p-methoxycinnamaldehyde as the major constituents, and ocimene, a-terpinene, citral, geraniol, geranyl acetate, beta-ionone, a new sesquiterpene alcohol called sphae-ranthol (C15H26O; b.p. 179-80°/l0 mm.), two new sesquiterpenes (sphaeranthene; b.p. 14-42°/10 mm.; and indicusene; b.p. 148-53°/10 mm.), and probably a phenolic ketone (semicarbazone, m.p. 259-61°) as the minor constituents. Besides the essential oil, the herb yields c.3% of a fatty oil (iod. val., 118.6), yellowish green in colour. - A bitter alkaloid, sphaeranthine (C13H19NO5; m.p. 166-68°, decomp.) has been reported to occur in the plant. - Later work has revealed the presence of a glucoside (m.p. 78-79°), which, on hydrolysis, yields an alkaloid. - Capitula contain albumins, a semi-drying fatty oil (up to 5%), reducing sugars, tannins, mineral matter, a volatile oil (0.07%) with a characteristic odour and a bitter taste, and a glucoside (C22H26O12; m.p. 148-49°; yield, 0.002%). - No alkaloid was detected in the inflorescence. The glucoside on hydrolysis gave a water-soluble aglucone, phenolic in nature. - The unsaponifiable matter of the fatty oil showed beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, n-triacontanol, n-pentacosane and hentriacontane. beta-D- glucoside of beta-sitosterol has been isolated from the flowerheads. - A new sesquiterpene glycoside sphaeranthanolide, has been isolated from the flowers. - The structure was determined by 2-D-NMR and other spectroscopic techniques. - The compound exhibited immune stimulating activity. - An investigation of whole plant collected near Lonawala, Maharashtra led to the isolation of two new 7 a-hydroxyeudesmanolides, 1 and 2 along with the known 7a-hydroxyeudesmanolide 3 and two sesquiterpenoids, ryptomeridiol and 4-epicryptomeridiol. Both the new sesquiterpene lactones 1 and 2 and the known eudesmanolide 3 are closely related to the major compound 4, a constituent of the same plant, whose structure and stereochemistry have been established by x-ray crystallography. | ||||
Pharmacological effect | The essential oil is active against Vibrio cholera and Micrococcuspyogenes var. aureus. An ethanolic extract of plant collected from Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, yielded a sterol glycoside the beta-D-glucoside of (24 S) 24-ethyl cholesta-5, 22-dien-3beta-ol (m.p. 168-9°C). | ||||
Medical system | Ayurveda (Traditional Indian medicine) | ||||
References | Reference book Tips! | ||||
Last renewal date | 2024/01/12 |