Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market nameSamanpichcha
Formal nameMalati
Other names   


Saman-pichchai (Sin), Jati (B), Jaati (H), Mallige (K), Pichchakam (M), Jaati, Malati (Te), Pichi, Kodimalligai (Ta)
Original plant nameJasminum grandiflorum Linn.
Family nameOleaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification flower
Collection informationDemocratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Anuradhapura, Anuradhapura Aushadhalaya
Collection date1980/01/25
CollectorTsuneo Namba, et al.
TMPW No.6330

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Collection information
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka,Anuradhapura

Scientific information data base

Crude drug nameAyurvedic name or
Sanskrit name, English name
crude drug image
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Original plant nameJasminum grandiflorum Linn.
Family nameOleaceae
Used partFlowers
Distribution areaOccurs in the subtropical region of NorthWest Himalaya in India and cultivated elsewhere. In Ceylon, it is a common garden plant especially grown for its flowers.
Common usesFlowers are refrigerant, ophthalmic, and aphrodisiac and are useful in strangury, pruritus, dysmenorrhoea/dysmenorrhea, stomatopathy, cephalopathy, odontopathy, ophthalmopathy, leprosy, ulcers and skin diseases. Flowers macerated in water and left overnight are used as eyewash. Infusion of the flowers is a cosmetic.
Oil prepared from flowers is cooling and applied in headache, eye troubles and skin disorders. Jasmine oil is used in perfumes, incense and fumigant.
Chemical constituentMonoterpenoids
Linalool (*C2, *C3, *C4), Eugenol (*C4), Myrcene (*C4), alpha-terpineol (*C4), Geraniol (*C4), Vanillin (*C4), Nerolidol (*C4), Farnesol (*C4),

Ursolic acid (*C5)

Lignans & Neolignans
(-)-Olivil (*C1)

Isoquercitrin (*C5)

Other aromatic compounds
p-Hydroxyphenethyl alcohol (*C1), Benzyl acetate (*C2, *C3, *C4), Benzyl benzoate (*C2, *C4), Methyl anthranilate (*C3, *C4), Methyl N-methyl anthranilate (*C4), Benzyl alcohol (*C4), Methyl benzoate (*C4), Benzyl cyanide (*C4), cis-3-Hexanyl benzoate (*C4), -Cresol (*C4), p-Vanillin (*C4), 2-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)ethanol (*C5)

(2"R)-2"-Methoxyoleuropein (*C1), (2"S)-2"-Methoxyoleuropein (*C1), Oleuropein (*C1), Ligustroside (*C1), Demethyloleuropein (*C1), Oleoside dimethyl ester (*C1), Jasmone (*C2, *C3), cis -3-Hexanol (*C4), 2-Vinylpyridine (*C4), Methyl palmitate (*C4), Isophytol (*C4), Geranyllinalool (*C4), Methyl linoleate (*C4), Phytol (*C4), Methyl dihydrojasmonate (*C4), Sambacein I (*C5), Sambacein II (*C5), Sambacein III (*C5), Oleacein (*C5), Ascorbic acid (*C6), (-)-cis-5-(2-pentenyl)pentanolide-(5,1) (*C7)

Chemical structure

Medical systemAyurveda (Traditional Indian medicine)
ReferencesReference book 


[2] Indian Medicinal Plants - A Compendium of 500 species, Varier, P.S., Orient Longman Ltd. Chennai (Madras)
Vol. 3 (Repr.1996), pp 249.

Ayurvedic Drugs and Their Plant Sources, 1994. Sivarajan, V.V. and Balachandran, I., Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
p 285.

Medicinal plants (Indigenous and exotic) used in Ceylon, Vols. 1-5, 1982. Jayaweera, D.M.A., The National Science Council of Sri Lanka, Colombo
Vol. 4, p 14.

Research paper*C1 Tanahashi, T., Sakai, T., Tekenaka, Y., Nagakura, N. and Chen, C. -C.; Chem. Pharm. Bull., 47, 1582-86 (1999).
*C2 Cum, G., Spadaro, A., Citraro, T. and Gallo, R.; Essenze, Derivati Agrumari, 68, 384-400 (1998).
*C3 Srivastava, H. C., Rao, J. V. R. B., Karmarkar, P. G., Angadi, S. P., Kumar, T. V. and Venkateshwarlu, G.; PAFAl Journal, 19, 16-18 (1997).
*C4 Cheng, Y.-S.; Kexue Fazhan Yueken, 7, 140-6 (1979).
*C5 Somanadhan, B., Wagner, S. U., George, V., Pushpangadan, P., Rajasekharan, S., Duus, J. O., Nyman, U., Olsen, C. E., Jaroszewski, J. W.; Planta Medica, 64, 246-50 (1998).
*C6 Subramaniam, R. and Shanmugavelu, K. G.; Indian J. Horticulture, 37, 409-14 (1980).
*C7 Winter, M., Malet, G., Pfeiffer, M. and Demole, E.; Helv. Chim. Acta, 45, 1250-55 (1962).
Last renewal date2022/06/23