Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market nameKaddu
Urudu nameTukhm e-kaddu
Arabic name /
Persian name
Qara / Kadue-daraz
English nameBottle gourd
Original plant nameLagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standley, Bottle gourd
Family nameCucurbitaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification seed
Collection informationIslamic Republic of Pakistan, Karachi [Karachi], Sind, Amjad Unani Medicine (Pvt.) Ltd.
Collection date1994/1/22
CollectorTsuneo Namba
IdentifierJaved Ahmad
Seeds are edible. Fruit pulp is said to be a good source of vitamin B and ascorbic acid. Seeds - oily; taste - sweet.
TMPW No.14438

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Collection information
Islamic Republic of Pakistan,Karachi [Karachi], Sind

Scientific information data base

Crude drug nameUrudu name,
English name
Tukhm e-kaddu, Bottle gourd
Arabic name / Persian nameQara / Kadue-daraz
crude drug image
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Original plant nameLagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standley
Family nameCucurbitaceae
Used partSeeds
Distribution areaA climbing or trailing herb, native to Africa and is now cultivated throughout India, Pakistan and Bangladesh for fruits which are used as vegetables.
DescriptionThe kernel of the seed is mainly used in Unani preparations.
Function and propertiesHead, Fevers.
Cooling, moistening, adipogenous for whole of the body, laxative or aperient, reduces heat of (excess) biliousness and blood heat; also diuretic.
Specific actionsTonic to brain and body fattening; reduces heat due to excess biliousness.
Frequency in useVery common.
Common usesSeed kernel enters into traditional brain tonic and refrigerant preparations. The seeds (kernel) are useful in reducing heat of (excess) biliousness and blood heat, also useful in gastritis, hot cough, haemoptysis/hemoptysis and hot fevers. Being cooling and moistening it is useful in the dryness of the brain. It is diuretic and excites fluid contents in the body. So it is considered useful in the difficulty in urination.
Oil obtained from the seeds is useful in retarding brain and scalp dryness and induces sleep.
Side effectIt is considered harmful for those individuals who have phlegmatic temperament.
Medical systemUnani
Traditional conceptTemperamentIt is cold and moist in the second degree.
Drug effectTonic to brain and adipogenous for whole of the body.
Dosage3 to 5gm.
SubstitutePetha, Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn.
Corrigent (corrective)Honey.
Important compound preparationsArq Hara Bhara, Ours Tabashir Mulayyin, Ma`jun Sang-e-Sar-i-Mahi and Muffareh Sheikh-ul-Rais.
ReferencesReference book 


Indian Materia Medica, Vols. 1-2, 1976 (Repr. 1989). Nadkarni, A.K., Popular Prakashan Pvt. Ltd., Bombay
Vol. 1, pp 721-723.

Makhzanul-Mufradat (Khawasul Adviyah), Hakeem Kabiruddin, Daftar Al-Masih, Qarol Bagh, Delhi.
p 192.

A Survey of Drugs, 1961 (2nd edi.). Wahid, A. K. and Siddiqui, H. H. Institute of History of Medicine and Medical Research, Delhi.
p 25.

Dictionary of Economic Plants in India, 1996 (2nd Rep.). Singh, U; Wadhwani, A. M. and Johri B.M. Indian council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
p 116.

Hamdard Pharmcopoeia of Eastern medicine, 1969. Said, H. M. (editor), The Times Press, Sadar Karachi.
pp 205-206, 214, 274, 295.

Indusyunic Medicine, 1997. Usmanghani, K., Saeed, A. and Alam, M. T. Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Karachi, Karachi.
pp 270-271.

RemarksThe drug is very easily available and have no problem of adulteration.
Last renewal date2022/06/08