Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market nameKla
Other namesKan-phra, Yaeng
Original plant nameSchumannianthus dichotomus Gagnep.
Family nameMarantaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification wood
Collection informationKingdom of Thailand, Bangkok, Cho Krom Pru
Collection date2002/11/25
CollectorKatsuko Komatsu, et al.
IdentifierNijsiri Ruangrungsi
TMPW No.21786

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Collection information
Kingdom of Thailand,Bangkok

Scientific information data base

Crude drug nameThai name,
English name
crude drug image
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Original plant nameSchumannianthus dichotomus Gagnep.
Family nameMarantaceae
Used partRhizome
Distribution areaCommon in hill evergreen, moist evergreen, gallery evergreen, particularly along streamlines and headwater catchment.
Frequency in useCommon for general usage, but rare as a medicinal component.
Traditional usageNauseating cool taste, for treatment of fever associated with systematic infection, pneumonia, elevated body temperature and thirst, all kinds of fever associated with epidermal signs, which include measles and poxes, thyphoids and chronic diseases occur in adults with periodic symptoms differentially depending on the subtype of diseases (Khai-Sannibad).
Drug effectFebrifuge.
Chemical constituentunknown

Medical systemThai medicine
Related drugsKlum (Donax grandis Ridl.), botanical characters and medicinal values.
ReferencesReference book 


The Forest Herbarium of the Royal Forest Department: Thai Plant Names Tem Smitinand, Revised Edition 2001. Prachachon Co.Ltd., Bangkok.

Wuttidhamvate W.: Saranukrom Samunplai, 1997. Odian Store Press, Bangkok.

Ruangrungsi N and Manklakupta T.: Thai Herbs I. 2004. Thanprinting Co., Ltd., Bangkok.

Brun V and Schumacher T.: Traditional Herbal Medicine in Thailand, 1994. White Lotus Co., Ltd., Bangkok.

RemarksThe plant is generally used s an ornamental plant in urban landscape, and locally for basketry and as a wrapping sheath.
Last renewal date2022/02/17