Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market nameCHUK-HOM
Other namesHom-kaeng, Hom-daeng, Hom-thai, Hom-lek, Hom-hua, Hom-bua
English nameShallot
Original plant nameAllium ascalonicum Linn., Shallot
Family nameLiliaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification leaf
Collection informationKingdom of Thailand, Bangkok
Collection dateDec, 1972
CollectorTsuneo Namba, et al.
IdentifierNijsiri Ruangrungsi
TMPW No.13530

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Collection information
Kingdom of Thailand,Bangkok

Scientific information data base

Crude drug nameThai name,
English name
Hom, Shallot
crude drug image
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Original plant nameAllium ascalonicum Linn.
Family nameLiliaceae
Used partBulb (scale leaf)
Distribution areaIndigenous to Palestine, cultivated in Asia Minor, India, Southeast Asia.
Frequency in useAbundant.
Traditional usage- Leaf: used for cold, running nose, fever and eye diseases.

- Bulb: spicy, antipyretic, tonic, expectorant, flatulent; digestive, hair tonic; relieves ocular pain and watery eyes.
Drug effectFebrifuge.
Mashed with rhizomes of Kaempferia galanga L. and borneol crystal, then applied on the forehead of children for 1 hour for febrifuge.
Seasoning in pickles and salads.
Chemical constituent
Carbohydrate; protein; fat; fiber; calcium; iron; vitamin A; vitamin C; sulphide compounds; flavonoid as quercetin, quercetin 4'-gluco side; quercetin 7,4'-diglucoside; quercetin 3,4'-diglucoside; quercetin 7- glucoside; quercetin mono-D- glucose; isorhamnetin; isorhamnetin 4',3-diglucoside; alkaloid; cardiac glycoside; saponin as ascalonicoside A1; ascalonicoside A2 and ascalonicoside B; Ascalin (peptide); lectin (A. ascalonicum agglutinin, AAA).

Pharmacological effectAntioxidant; inhibiting lipid oxidation; antibacterial; antifungal; inhibiting proliferation of HepG(2) and Caco-2 cells; inhibiting five strain of Helicobacter pylori (ATCC 24376, UCH 97001, UCH 97009, UCH 98026 and UCH 99039; haematological/hematological effect (decreasing parameters relating to red cell, increasing parameters relating to white cells, decreasing total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, and no effect on triglyceride levels); ascalin showed anti-fungal and inhibiting HIV-1 reverse transcriptase; lipid-lowering-effect; antileukemia.
Medical systemThai medicine
PreparationsCrushed fresh bulbs
ReferencesReference book 


The Forest Herbarium of the Royal Forest Department: Thai Plant Names Tem Smitinand, Revised Edition 2001. Prachachon Co.Ltd., Bangkok.
p 23.

Wuttidhamvate W.: Saranukrom Samunplai, 1997. Odian Store Press, Bangkok.
p 486.

Hutton W. Tropical Herbs & Spices of Thailand. Inglis K, editor. 1998. Asia Book Co., Ltd. Bangkok.
p 26.

Research paper1. (PMID: 16500553)
2. (PMID: 16121720)
3. (PMID: 15506817)
4. (PMID: 15173992)
5. (PMID: 12236699)
6. (PMID: 15158989)
7. (PMID: 12126728)
8. (PMID: 8215447)
9. (PMID: 44616)
10. (PMID: 2809447)
11. (PMID: 4688775)
Last renewal date2022/06/09