Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market name蒼朮
Formal name蒼朮
Japanese nameそうじゅつ, Sōjutsu
Vernacular nameCangzhu
Latin nameAtractylodis Lanceae Rhizoma (JP), Atractylodis Rhizoma (CP)
English nameAtractylodes Lancea Rhizome (JP), Atractylodes Rhizome (CP)
Original plant nameAtractylodes lancea DC.1 or Atractylodes chinensis Koidz.2, (Hosobaokera1 or Shinaokera2) or their interspecific hybrids
Family nameCompositae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification rhizome
Collection informationJapan, Osaka Pref., Tochimoto Tenkaido Co.,Ltd.
Collection date1971/04/12
TMPW No.343

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Collection information
Japan,Osaka Pref.

Scientific information data base

Common name蒼朮, Cangzhu, Atractylodis Lanceae Rhizoma (JP18), Atractylodis Rhizoma (CP2020), Atractylodes Lancea Rhizome (JP18), Atractylodes Rhizome (CP2020)
Synonyms茅朮, 津蒼朮, 西北蒼朮, 北鮮蒼朮, 韓蒼朮
crude drug image
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Original plant nameAtractylodes lancea De Candolle1 or Atractylodes chinensis Koidzumi2, (Hosobaokera1 or Shinaokera2) or their interspecific hybrids.
original plant image
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Family nameCompositae
Used partrhizome
Quality for selectionGood Cangzhu is enlarged and heavy. It has a strong aroma and taste. (TN)
Official compendiumJP XVIII, CP (2020 ed.)
Clinical applicationBeing diuretic, diaphoretic, stomachic and antidiarrheal, cangzhu is applied for indigestion, diarrhea and muscle disease due to wind-and-dampness. In Chinese medicine, cangzhu is a key medicine for eliminating dampness (disorder of water metabolism). Cangzhu is better than baizhu in depriving dampness, and used for warm type of excess syndrome.
Medical systemTraditional Chinese medicine
Drug effect in
traditional medicine
Aromatic drugs for resolving dampness
Beneficial effect[Property and Flavor] Warm; pungent and bitter.
[Meridian Tropism] Spleen, stomach and liver.
[Actions] To dry dampness and fortify the spleen, dispel wind and dissipate cold, and improve vision.
[Indications] Dampness obstruction in the middle energizer, distention and fullness in the epigastrium and abdomen, diarrhea, edema, beriberi, leg flaccidity, painful impediment caused by wind-dampness, common cold caused by wind-cold, night blindness, and blurred vision.
Chemical constituentOther aliphatic and related compounds
A. lancea (*C1):
Atractylodinol, Acetylatractylodinol

A. lancea (*C1):
Atractylodin, l-alpha-Bisabolol, beta-Selinene, Atractylone, beta-Eudesmol, Hinesol, Elemol
A. lancea, A. chinensis (*C2):
Atractylodin, Hinesol, beta-Eudesmol, Elemol, Atractylone, Selina-4(14), 7(11)-dien-8-one

Chemical structure

Pharmacological effectAntifungal.Sedative (extract,component of essential oil,beta-eudesmol, hinesol).Spasmolytic(extract,beta-eudesmol, hinesol).Hypoglycemic (alcohol extract).
DNA sequenceAB008758, AB008759, AB008760, AB008761, AB008762; Traditioal Medical & Parmaceutical Database.
Classical reference
(Chinese Herbal Classic "Zhenglei bencao")
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DiseaseDyspepsia, Full stomach, Feeling of pressure in the chest, Nausea, Vomitting, Diarrhea, Swelling and pain of joint, Headache, Anhidrosis, Fever, Chill, Night blindness, Corneal opacity, Cataract
FormulationIshoho, Ireito, Inchinsan, Eppikajutsuto, Kagen'ireito, Kashokuyohito, Kamishimotsuto, Kamishoyosangoshimotsuto, Kamiheiisan, Kanzobushito, Kufushokutsuto, Keishikajutsubuto, Keishikaryojutsubuto, Keishishakuyakuchimoto, Keishinieppiittokaryojutsubu, Keihito, Koshaheiisan, Goshakusan, Jippito, Shimotsutokakkekagen, Shofusan, Jokinritsuansan, Joshitsuhokito, Jingyobofuto, Jintanto, Shimbuto, Seishitsuketanto, Seijokentsuto, Seineitsugeutsuto, Sokeikakketsuto, Daibofuto, Takushato, Jidabokuippo, Tokishakuyakusanmatsu, Tokinentsuto, Toryuto, Nijutsuto, Hangebyakujutsutemmato, Fukankinshokisanryo, Bushito, Bunshoto, Heiisan, Boiogito, Hokikenchuto, Hojinto, Hochujishitsuto, Yokuininto, Yokukansan, Yokukansankachinpihangeto, Yokukansankachinpihangeto, Rokuutsuto, Kaishun'inchinsan, Koshayoito
Related drugsBaizhu (Atractylodes Rhizome)
ReferencesJP18: The 18th edition of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia.
CP2020: Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China 2020 edi.
C1) The Encyclopedia of Wakan-Yaku with Color Pictures Vol. I, pp 47-50.
C2) Nat. Med., 51(6), 499(1997).
RemarksMaozhu (Hancangzhu) is A. lancea (Jap. name: Hosobaokera), produced in Hubei, Jiangxi, Jiangsu Prov. and others. Jincangzhu (Shancangzhu) is A. chinensis (Jap. name: Shinaokera), produced in Hebei, Henan and Jiangxi. North Korean Cangzhu is A. koreana Kitam. (= A. lancea DC.var. simplicifolia Kitam.), Jap. name: Nanman'okera, produced in Jilin, Liaoning, north part of Korean peninsula and Japan. Cangzhu produced in Maoshan of Jiangsu Prov. is very famous for its high quality. Though the cotton-like white separation of the essential oil on the surface is often misjudged as fungus, it is the mixed crystal of beta-Eudesmol and Hinesol, which is a proof of the high quality.
Recent report says that A. lancea has three types (Maoshan, Hubei-anhui and Dabeishan) depending on the characteristics of essential oils. A. chinensis also has two types (North and South). Cangzhu originated from A. lancea, A. chinensis and A. koreana contains Atractylodin. They are clearly distinguished from the one originated from A. japonica or A. ovata, which doesn't contain Atractylodin.
Last renewal date2022/11/14