Crude drug sample data base
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People's Republic of China,Guizhou Prov.
Collection information
Japan,Osaka Pref.
Scientific information data base
Common name | 生姜, Shengjiang, Zingiberis Rhizoma (JP18), Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens (CP2020), Ginger (JP18), Fresh Ginger (CP2020) | |||||
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Original plant name | Zingiber officinale Roscoe , (Shōga) | |||||
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Family name | Zingiberaceae | |||||
Used part | rhizome (removing cork and drying) | |||||
Quality for selection | Good Shengjiang is enlarged and the inside is white. It has a strong pungency. Young roots are not good quality. (TN) | |||||
Official compendium | JP XVIII, CP (2020 ed.) | |||||
Clinical application | As an aromatic stomachic, expectorant, appetite promoter, and for relieving vomiting, Shengjiang invigorates metabolism. It is applied for vomiting, cough, distended abdomen, stomachache, common cold, headache and nasal congestion. | |||||
Medical system | Traditional Chinese medicine | |||||
Drug effect in traditional medicine | Traditional classification | Diaphoretics with warm property | ||||
Beneficial effect | [Property and Flavor] Mild warm; pungent. [Meridian Tropism] Lung, spleen and stomach. [Actions] To release the exterior, dissipate cold, warm the middle energizer, stop vomiting, resolve phlegm, suppress cough, and reduce toxin of sea food. [Indications] Common cold caused by wind-cold, vomiting caused by stomach cold, cough with cold-phlegm, and sea food poisoning. | |||||
Chemical constituent | Other aliphatic and related compounds (*C1): Methylheptenone, Nonylaldehyde Monoterpenoids (*C1): beta-Phellandrene, Camphene, Citral, Linalool, d-Borneol, Farnesene, alpha-Terpineol, Nerol, Sabinene, 1,8-Cineol, Myrcene Sesquiterpenoids (*C1): Zingiberol, alpha-Zingiberene, alpha-Bisabolene, beta-Bisabolene, gamma-Bisabolene, alpha-Curcumene, beta-Curcumene, Zerumbone Other aromatic derivatives (*C1): Hexahydrocurcumine, Dihydrogingerol, Desmethylhexahydrocurcumine, Zingerone, Shogaol, [6]-Gingerol, [8]-Gingerol, [10]-Gingerol, Dehydrogingerone | |||||
Chemical structure |
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Pharmacological effect | Suppression of central nervous system ([6]-gingerol,[6]-shogaol).Analgesic ([6]-shogaol).Inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis ([6]-gingerol,[6]-dehydrogingerone).Spasmolytic (essential oil).Conducting anesthesia (water extract).Antitumor (water extract).Antiemetic (ginger juice). | |||||
DNA sequence | AF202418, AF254460, U42081, L05465, AJ388298; Traditioal Medical & Parmaceutical Database. | |||||
Classical reference (Chinese Herbal Classic "Zhenglei bencao") | ![]() | |||||
Disease | Common cold, Abdominal pain, Nausea, Dyspepsia, Vomitting, Cough | |||||
Formulation | Ikosan, Ireito, Inchinshigyakuto, Uzukeishito, Uyakujunkisan, Ureitsukito, Unkeito, Untanto, Eppito, Eppikajutsuto, Eppikahangeto, En'nenhangeto, Ogikeishigomotsuto, Ogikenchuto, Ogonkahangeshokyoto, Kairosan, Kagen'ireito, Kagenshosaikoto, Kagenhachimotsuto, Kashokuyohito, Kakkoshokisan, Kakkonto, Kakkonkahangeto, Kakkonkaryojutsubuto, Kakkontokashin'isenkyuto, Kamiuntanto, Kamikihito, Kamishoyosan, Kamishoyosangoshimotsuto, Kamihassento, Kamiheiisan, Karoto, Karokeishito, Kigikenchuto, Kippito, Kippikijitsushokyoto, Kippichikujoto, Kippihangeto, Kihito, Gyakubanto, Kyugyakuto, Kinkohojutsubuto, Kumihangeto, Kumibinroto, Keikyososooshinbuto, Keishito, Keishikaogito, Keishikakakkonto, Keishikakeito, Keishikakobokukyoninto, Keishikashakuyakuto, Keishikashakuyakushokyoninjinto, Keishikashakuyakudaioto, Keishikajutsubuto, Keishikadaioto, Keishikabushito, Keishikaryukotsuboreto, Keishikaryojutsubuto, Keishikyokeikeikabukuryobyakujutsuto, Keishikyoshakuyakuto, Keishikyoshakuyakukashokushitsuryukotsuboreito, Keishikyoshakuyakukashokushitsuryukotsuboreikyugyakuto, Keishikyoshakuyakukamaobushisaishinto, Keishishakuyakuchimoto, Keishishokyokijitsuto, Keishitoninto, Keishinieppiichito, Keishinieppiittokaryojutsubu, Keishinimaoichito, Keishibushito, Keishimaokakuhanto, Keihito, Keimeisan, Keishinieppiittokaryojutsubu, Keishinimaoichito, Keishibushito, Keishimaokakuhanto, Keihito, Keimeisan, Keimeisankabukuryo, Kokikososan, Koshaheiisan, Kosharikkunshito, Kososan, Kobokushichimotsuto, Kobokushokyohangekanzoninjinto, Goshakusan, Goshuyuto, Saikatsugekito, Saikanto, Saikokaboshoto, Saikokaryukotsuboreito, Saikokyohangekakaroto, Saikokeishito, Saikokobokuto, Saikoshimotsuto, Saikoyoeito, Saishakurikkunshito, Saibokuto, Saireito, Shionsan, Shikunshito, Shishishokyoshito, Shisowakiin, Jippito, Shiteito, Shakanzoto, Shakuyakutokadaio, Sekishozuto, Shahito, Shahitokaryukotsuboreito, Jumihaidokuto, Junkiwachuto, Junhaito, Shunrinshakusekishito, Shokyokanzoto, Shokyoshashinto, Shokenchuto, Shosaikoto, Shosaikotokaorenbukuryo, Shosaikotokakikyosekko, Shosaikogohangekobokuto, Shozokumeito, Shohangeto, Shohangekabukuryoto, Shohito, Shomakakkonto, Shoyosan, Jingyobekkoto, Jinsoin, Shimbuto, Seishitsuketanto, Seijokentsuto, Seineitsugeutsuto, Seihaito, Sempukukataishasekito, Zosonmokuboito, Sokeikakketsuto, Soshikokito, Daisaikoto, Daiseiryuto, Chikujountanto, Chikuyoto, Chimobukuryoto, Chotosan, Tsumyakushigyakuto, Tokikenchuto, Tokishigyakukagoshuyushokyoto, Tokibyakujutsusan, Nijutsuto, Nichinto, Haidokuto, Hainoto, Hainosankyuto, Baimoto, Hachimishoyosan, Hachimotsuto, Hacchinto, Hangekobokuto, Hangebyakujutsutemmato, Byakujutsubushito, Bukuryoin, Bukuryokanzoto, Bukuryotakushato, Bunshoto, Bunshinkiin, Heiisan, Boisan, Boiogito, Bofutsushosan, Hochuekkito, Hohaito, Hontonto, Hontonto, Hontonto, Hontonto, Hontonbukuryoto, Maogomito, Maorenshosekishozuto, Mibakuekkito, Mokutsusan, Yakammaoto, Rikkunshito, Ryukotsuto, Rokuutsuto, Koshayoito | |||||
Related drugs | Ganjiang, Paojiang (see "Remarks") | |||||
References | JP18: The 18th edition of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia. CP2020: Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China 2020 edi. C1) The Encyclopedia of Wakan-Yaku with Color Pictures Vol. I, pp 116-118. | |||||
Remarks | Since ancient times, Shengjiang, in Chinese traditional formulae, has been representing fresh ginger, and Ganjiang means dried ginger. That is, dried Shengjiang (or Ganshengjiang) in Chinese drug market indicates Ganjiang in Chinese traditional formulae (Kampo formulae). However, Ganjiang in the recent market means dried, after steamed, Shengjiang. It can be called processed one. In China, in contrast, fresh ginger is Shengjiang and dried is Ganjiang. In addition, there is Paojiang which is a processed drug. Paojiang is made as follows.: First of all, the clean sand (Gefen, Huashifen) should be put into a pan and heated at strong fire. The dried unpeeled Shengjiang is added and mixed until the surface swells and the color turns to brown. Then it is picked out and cooled in air. Shengjiang has greater effects in strengthening the function of the stomach and relieving vomiting than that of Ganjiang. In case Ganshengjiang is applied as a substitute for Shengjiang, the dose should be one third to one fifth of the traditionally indicated amount. | |||||
Last renewal date | 2022/11/30 | |||||