Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market name登呂根
Formal name登呂根
Japanese nameとろこん, Torokon
Vernacular nameTorokon
Latin namePhysalitis Rhizoma et Radix (CP)
English nameGround Cherry Root (CP)
Original plant namePhysalis alkekengi L. var. franchetii (Masters) Makino, (Hōzuki)
Family nameSolanaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification root + rhizome
Collection informationJapan, Osaka Pref., Tochimoto Tenkaido Co., Ltd.
Collection date1979/01/00
TMPW No.824

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Collection information
Japan,Osaka Pref.

Scientific information data base

Common name登呂根, Physalitis Rhizoma et Radix, Franchet Groundcherry Root
crude drug image
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Original plant namePhysalis alkekengi L. var. franchetii (Masters) Makino, (Hōzuki)
original plant image
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Family nameSolanaceae
Used partrhizome and root
Clinical applicationIt is a folkloric remedy as an antitussive, antifebrile, and diuretic. The root decoction was an abortient some time ago. The roots and leaves are dried in the shade and decocted folklorically to treat cold, insufficiency of milk secretion, and gripe. The immature fruit is charred and used for pertussis.
Chemical constituentSteroids
Physalin A, Physalin B, Physalin C

Tropane alkaloids

Chemical structure

Pharmacological effectStimulation of uterus peristalsis.
DNA sequenceAF244711, U08617
Classical reference
(Chinese Herbal Classic "Zhenglei bencao")
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DiseaseCough, Fever, Common cold, Sore throat
Formulationnot used in formula
Related drugs"Kushoku", the whole plant of Physalis angulata L.
ReferencesC1)The Encyclopedia of Wakan-Yaku with Color Pictures Vol. I, pp 179-180.
Remarks"Kushoku", distributed in Taiwanese market, is the whole plant of Physalis angulata L. (Jap. name: Sennarihōzuki)
Last renewal date2020/11/24