Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market nameTalsookiri
Formal nameTala
Other names   


Tal, Talgaha (Sin), Taler gur (B), Tadgud (H), Taalimara (K), Panamchakkara (M), Taatibellamu (Te), Karumpanai (Ta)
English namePalmyra Palm, Palm Jaggery
Original plant nameBorassus flabellifer Linn., Palmyra Palm, Palm Jaggery
Family nameArecaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification sap
Production area informationIndia
Collection informationDemocratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Colombo, W. Wilbert & Co.
Collection date1980/01/20
CollectorTsuneo Namba, et al.
TMPW No.6085

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Collection information
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka,Colombo

Scientific information data base

Crude drug nameAyurvedic name or
Sanskrit name, English name
Tala, Palmyra Palm, Palm Jaggery
SynonymsMahatrna, Sallaki, Samovyasa, Dirghataru, Trnaraja, Drumesvara, Lekhyapatra, Dhvajavrksa, Asitakaya, Duraruha, Dirghavarya, Cirapakya, Pitrbija, Dirghaskandha, Mahonnata, Patri, Madhurasa, Madadya, Dirghapadapa, Cirayu, Gajabhaksya, Drdhacchada, Gucchapatra, Asavadru.
crude drug image
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Original plant nameBorassus flabellifer Linn.
Family nameArecaceae
Used partRoots, leaves, inflorescence, fruits
Distribution areaOccurs in India, Ceylon and Burma. It is very common in the dry regions especially in the desert and sandy tracts near the coast in Ceylon.
Common usesThe jaggery turned out from the sweet toddy which is obtained by tapping the inflorescence, is used for making remedies for cough and phlegm in the chest and is an antidote for food poisoning. A considerable quantity of jaggery is consumed as food by the poorer classes in India. It is more nutritious than cane sugar. The jaggery solution is reported to be an excellent food for typhoid patients, both at early and advanced stages. It is suggested that jaggery should be prescribed for diseases characterized by a marked loss of potassium because of high potassium values and as a diuretic.
Therapeutic usesGulma (sprue syndrome), Antraroga (intestinal disorders), Daha (burning sensation), Visa (poisoning), Kustha (skin diseases), Krmi (worm infestation).
Pharmacological effectPalm jaggery exhibits mild laxative action and is reported to be an effective therapeutic agent for anaemia. The low sodium and high potassium values in the jaggery indicate the possibility of using it in hypertension and oedema due to heart and liver diseases.
Medical systemAyurveda (Traditional Indian medicine)
Traditional conceptRasa (Taste)Madhura (Sweet)
Virya (Potency)Sita (Cold)
Guna (Quality)Guru (Heavy), Snigdha (Unctuous)
(Post digestive taste)
Madhura (Sweet)
(General action)
Suklavardhaka (increases semen), Vrsya (aphrodisiac), Stanyavardhaka (galactogogue), Balakaraka (promotes strength), Madakrt (intoxicating), Saraka (laxative).
(Action on dosa)
Decreases Vata Pitta
Traditional usage1. Root of Tala (Borassus flabellifer) is pounded with rice water and pasted on the navel. It checks "visucika" (a type of indigestion).

2. Juice of palm tree should be taken in such case.

3. Tender root of Tala is pounded with cold rice water, juice of Trapusa (Cucumis sativus) and white Trapusa should be taken with milk in morning in case of retention of urine.

4. Ghee and milk cooked with Tala fruit is useful in discoloration of urine and dysuria.
CommentsRipe fruit of Tala is said to be sweet, heavy and unctuous. It possesses balya (improves strength) and brmhana (bulk promoting) actions. It pacifies Pitta, and is said to be difficult to digest and is abhisyandi (heavy). It is tandrakara (causes drowsiness) and sukrada (aphrodisiac). Seeds of Tala are sweet in taste and post digestive effect. It is mutrala (diuretic) in action and pacifies Vata and Pitta. Talamajja (pulp) when young is little intoxicating. It is sweet, unctuous and light in qualities. It increases phlegm and pacifies Vata and Pitta. The soured water of Tala is said to pacify Vata and aggravate Pitta.

It is called patri as the leaves are very conspicuous. Dirghapadapa means tall tree. Gucchapatra means the leaves appear in bunches. Drdhacchada means it has strong bark. Madadya means it causes intoxication.
ReferencesReference book 


[2] Indian Medicinal Plants - A Compendium of 500 species, Varier, P.S., Orient Longman Ltd. Chennai (Madras)
Vol. 1 (Repr.1996), pp 293-296.

Medicinal plants (Indigenous and exotic) used in Ceylon, Vols. 1-5, 1982. Jayaweera, D.M.A., The National Science Council of Sri Lanka, Colombo
Vol. 4, p 17.

Dravyagunavijnana, Vols. 1-5, reprint 1998. Sharma, P.V., Chowkhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi
Vol. 3, pp 230-231.

Classical uses of Medicinal Plants, 1996. Sharma, P.V., Chaukhambha Visvabharati, Varanasi
p 159.

Last renewal date2024/01/11