Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market nameErabadu eta
Formal nameParibhadra
Other names   


Erabadu, Eramudu (Sin), Palita mandir (B), Dadab (H), Harivana (K), Murukku (M), Badisa (Te), Mullumurukku (Ta)
English nameIndian Coral Tree
Original plant nameErythrina variegata Linn., Indian Coral Tree
Family nameLeguminosae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification seed
Production area informationDemocratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Collection informationDemocratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Colombo, W. Wilbert & Co.
Collection date1980/02/08
CollectorTsuneo Namba, et al.
TMPW No.6152

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
Collection information
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka,Colombo

Scientific information data base

Crude drug nameAyurvedic name or
Sanskrit name, English name
SynonymsKarnikara, Palasapatra, Svalpakantaki, Sasimba, Raktakusuma, Bhudhara, Sannidhi, Kimsuka, Sukavrksa, Tamrapuspa, Sitala, Srutavrksa, Parijata, Jantuha, Kinkirata, Raktapuspa, Nimbataru, Mandara, Bahupuspa, Raktakesara, Vasava.
crude drug image
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Original plant nameErythrina variegata Linn.
Family nameLeguminosae
Used partBark, Leaves
Therapeutic usesArocaka (anorexia), Krmi (worm infestation), Medadosa (pacifies vitiated medas), Sopha (oedema).
Chemical constituentTriterpenoids
Lup-20(29)-en-3-ol (*C9), Olean-12-ene-3,28-diol (*C9), Oleanolic acid (*C9)

Ergosterol (*C9), beta-Sitosterol (*C9), Stigmasterol (*C9)

Steroid saponins & Sapogenins
beta-D-Glucopyranoside, (3beta,24R)-ergost-5-en-3-yl (*C9)

Eryvarin A (*C1), Eryvarin B (*C1), Eryvarin C (*C2), Eryvarin D (*C2), Eryvarin E (*C2), 5,4’-Dihydroxy-8-(3”’-methyl-2”’-butenyl)-2”,2”-dimethylpyrano[5”,6”:6,7]isoflavone (*C6), 5,4’-Dihydroxy-8-(2”’-hydroxy-3”’-methyl-3”’-butenyl)-2”,2”-dimethylpyrano[5”,6”:8,7]isoflavone (*C6), Erythrivarones A (*C7), Erythrivarones B (*C7), 4’-Hydroxy-[6”,6”-dimethyldihydropyrano(2”,3”:5.6)]-[6”’-6”’-dimethyldihydropyrano(2”’,3”’:7,8)]isoflavone (*C7)、5,7,4’-Trihydroxy-6,8-diphenylisoflavone (*C8), Warangalone (*C8)

Phenol derivatives
Erycristagallin (*C8), Erythrabyssin II (*C8), Phaseollin (*C8), Phaseollidin (*C8), Cinnamylphenol (*C8)

Isoquinoline alkaloids
Isococcolinine (*C3), Erythritol (*C4), Erythrosotidienone (*C5), Erythromotidienone (*C5), Erysotine (*C10, *C11), Erythratidine (*C10), epi- Erythratidine (*C10), 11-Hydroxy- epi- Erythratidine (*C10, *C11), Erysodine (*C10, *C11), Erysovine (*C10), Erysotrine (*C10), Erythraline (*C10), Erysopine (*C11), Erythrocarine (*C11), Erymelanthine (*C11), Demethoxycarbonylerymelanthine (*C11)

Medical systemAyurveda (Traditional Indian medicine)
Traditional conceptRasa (Taste)Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter)
Virya (Potency)Usna (Hot)
Guna (Quality)Laghu (Light)
(Post digestive taste)
Katu (Pungent)
(General action)
Pathya (wholesome), Dipana (appetiser).
(Action on dosa)
Decreases Kapha Vata
on body tissues)
Meda (reduces medas)
Traditional usage1. In worm infestation, one should take juice of Paribhadra (Erythrina variegata) leaves or "pattura" or "surasadi" drugs mixed with honey.

2. Paribhadra is one of the drugs used for sprinkling the baby affected by "Putana balagraha" (a type of balagraha: ill effects of planetary forces on children).

3. Decoction of Paribhadra leaves and Amalaka fruits alleviates acid gastritis.

4. In "Avabahuka" (a kind of disorder of Vata) juice of Paribhadra root should be used.

5. Wine mixed with alkaline water of Pippali (Piper longum), Yavaksara (Hordeum vulgare), Paribhadra and Tila (sesamum) and added with Tvak (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), Ela (cardamom) and should be taken or the alkali from these plants should be mixed with jaggery and licked in retention of urine.
CommentsFlowers pacify Pitta and remove diseases of the ear. In Abhidhanamanjari, there is a mention of two varieties of this plant, namely black and white varieties. The black variety is stated to possess copper coloured flowers and the white variety blood red flowers. Its synonym palasapatra denotes that its leaves resemble that of palasa. Svalpakantaki means it bears few prickles on its bark. Raktakusuma, tamrapuspa, raktapuspa indicate that the flowers are red in colour.
ReferencesReference book 


[2] Indian Medicinal Plants - A Compendium of 500 species, Varier, P.S., Orient Longman Ltd. Chennai (Madras)
Vol. 2 (Repr.1997), pp 379-380

Dravyagunavijnana, Vols. 1-5, reprint 1998. Sharma, P.V., Chowkhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi
Vol. 2, pp 99-102

Classical uses of Medicinal Plants, 1996. Sharma, P.V., Chaukhambha Visvabharati, Varanasi
p 238

Research paper*C1 Tanaka, H., Etoh, H., Shimizu, H., Makita, T. and Tateishi, Y.; Planta Med. 66, 578-79 (2000).
*C2 Tanaka, H., Hirata, M., Etoh, H., Watanabe, N., Shimuzu, H., Ahmad, M., Khan, Z. and Anwar, M.; Heterocycles, 55, 2341-47 (2001).
*C3 Sharma, S. K., Chawla, H. M.; Indian J. Heterocycl. Chem., 2, 71-74 (1992).
*C4 Chawla, H. M. and Sharma, S. K.; Fitoterapia, 64, 15-17 (1993).
*C5 Sharma, S. K. and Chawla, H. M.; J. Indian Chem. soc., 75, 833-37 (1988).
*C6 Huabg, K. -F., Tseng, C. -F.; Chin. Pharm. J., 50, 123-28 (1998).
*C7 Huabg, K. -F., Tseng, C. -F.; J. Chin. Chem. Soc., 43, 515-18 (1996).
*C8 Telikepalli, H., Gollapudi, S. R., Shokri, A. K., Velazquez, L., Sandmann, R. A., Veliz, E. A., Rao, K. V. J., Madhavi, A. S., and Mitscher, L. A.; Phytochemistry, 29, 2005-7 (1990).
*C9 Huang, K. -F., Yen, Y. -F.; Chin. Pharm. J., 49, 21-29 (1997).
*C10 Chawla, A. S., Krishnan, T. R., Jackson, A. H. and Scalabrin, D. A.; Planta Med., 54, 526-28 (1988).
*C11 Hernandez, S. M. and Jackson, A. H.; Planta Med., 60, 175-77 (1994).
Last renewal date2023/12/14