Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market nameBahman Safed
Urudu nameBehman safaid
Arabic name /
Persian name
Behman abyad / Safaid Behman
English nameWhite Behen
Original plant nameCentaurea behen Linn., White Behen
Family nameCompositae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification root
Collection informationIslamic Republic of Pakistan, Karachi [Karachi], Sind, Amjad Unani Medicine (Pvt.) Ltd.
Collection date1994/1/22
CollectorTsuneo Namba
IdentifierJaved Ahmad
TMPW No.14448

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Collection information
Islamic Republic of Pakistan,Karachi [Karachi], Sind

Scientific information data base

Crude drug nameUrudu name,
English name
Behman safaid, White Behen
Arabic name / Persian nameBehman abyad / Safaid Behman
crude drug image
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Original plant nameCentaurea behen Linn.
Family nameCompositae
Used partRoot
Distribution areaBehen is of two kinds: (a) Red and (b) white. Here red and white behens are described together.
Red behen, Salvia haematodes, is found throughout India, while white behen, Centaurea behen is a native of Persia . Both are procured from Armenia and Khurasan.
DescriptionThe roots of white behen look like dried carrots of small size, look crooked, twisted, having wrinkles on the outer surface. The white behen is whitish internally and externally. White behen is less hot than red behen. Odour - agreeable; taste - astringent, mucilaginous.
Function and propertiesHeart, Sexual organs.
Exhilarant and cardiac tonic, aphrodisiac, antiflatulent, semenagogue, fattening, astringent, refining and deobstruent.
Specific actionsAphrodisiac and tonic for body.
Frequency in useVery common in India (red behen). Not found in India (white behen).
Common usesBahman is a strong tonic for the heart and is useful in palpitation and weakness of the heart. It fattens the body. It also strengthens the sex organs. It increases the formation of semen. Its powder is taken with milk alone or with other suitable ingredients. It relieves sexual debility. Regarded as useful resolvent of excess phlegmatic humours.
Side effectLarge dose or prolonged duration use described as harmful for individuals with hot temperament.
Medical systemUnani
Traditional conceptTemperamentIt is hot and dry in the second degree. 
Drug effectAphrodisiac and tonic for body.
Dosage5 to 7 gm.
SubstituteRed variety (red behen) substitutes white variety and vice versa. Also Musli (Curcilago orchioides Gaertn.) and Todari (Cheiranthus cheiri Linn.).
Related drugsSimilar for each other white and red behen.
Corrigent (corrective)Ziziphus jujuba Mill. and Cochlospermum religiosum (L.) Alston.
Important compound preparationsHabb Jadwa, Khamira Gaozaban, Dawa al Misk Mo`tadil Sadah, Labub kabir and Ma`jun Shir Bargadh wali.
ReferencesReference book 


Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants, 1956. Chopra, R.N., Nayar, S.L. and Chopra, I.C., Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi. - New Edition (1996) National Institute Science Communication; Supplement
pp 57-58.

Avicenna's Tract on Cardiac Drugs and Essays on Arab Cardiotherapy, 1983. Hameed, H. A. Hamdard Foundation Press, Karachi.
p 44.

Makhzanul-Mufradat (Khawasul Adviyah), Hakeem Kabiruddin, Daftar Al-Masih, Qarol Bagh, Delhi.
p 141.

Al-Qanun Fil-Tibb. Avicenna. (English translation of the critical Arabic text), Book 2, 1998. Hameed, H. A. (editor), Dept. of Islamic Studies, Jamia Hamdard (Hamdard University), New Delhi.
p 117.

Al-Jamili Mufradt Al Adwiya Wal Aghziya (1197-1248 A.D.). Ibn al-Baytar. Vols. 1-3, 1985-1999. Central council for Research in Unani Medicine, Janakpuri, New Delhi.
pp 304-305.

Hamdard Pharmcopoeia of Eastern medicine, 1969. Said, H. M. (editor), The Times Press, Sadar Karachi.
pp 98, 122, 130-131, 244, 276.

Indusyunic Medicine, 1997. Usmanghani, K., Saeed, A. and Alam, M. T. Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Karachi, Karachi.
pp 151-152.

RemarksAvicenna (Ibn Sina) has included white behen among sixty-three drugs for cardiac ailments in ''al-adwiyat al-Qalbia'' (Cardiac Drugs). According to Razi, the red behen is more hot and stimulates the sexual power. Both produce tenuity and remove obstructions. Both are counted among the drugs against gout.

Red and white varieties have been described together by Unani physicians as Bahmanain (the two behmans). Rhazes, Avicenna (Ibn Sina), Ibn al-Baytar and Kabiruddin have described these drugs to relieve sexual debility and as tonic for body.
Both of them have properties to strengthen the heart and exhilarate it at the same time. The properties (astringent and demulcent) are being helpful to it (Avicenna).
Last renewal date2024/12/02