Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market nameKayu Widoro
Other namesJava: dara laut, dara putih (Javanese), bidara gunong (Madurese); Celebes: aju mapai, bidara mapai (Bugis); Nusa Tenggara: maba putih (Timor) [201]
Original plant nameStrychnos ligustrina Blume
Family nameLoganiaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification wood
Collection informationRepublic of Indonesia, Akar sari
Collection date1994/02/27
CollectorKatsuko Komatsu, et al.
IdentifierMangestuti Agil
TMPW No.14224

Scientific information data base

Crude drug nameIndonesian name,
English name
Bidara laut
Synonyms Kayu ular, Bidara pait, Bidara putih
crude drug image
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Original plant nameStrychnos ligustrina Blume
Family nameLoganiaceae
Used partBark, wood, roots
Distribution areaIt occurs in eastern Java, the Lesser Sunda Islands, the southern Moluccas [205].

It occurs in teak forest and other dryland forest, scrubs and savannas, up to 200 or 400 m altitude [201, 205].
DescriptionThe wood is strong, hard and yellow in colour.
The plant is a shrub or small deciduous tree up to 12 m tall, bole often crooked and up to 25 cm in diameter, spiny when young, branches densely and finely lenticellate, grey. Leaves ovate or elliptical to suborbicular. Inflorescence terminal with 10-flowered. Fruit globose, 2-3 seeded. Seeds are nearly disk-shaped, densely short pubescent.
All parts of the plants are bitter. Fruits and roots are the most bitter parts of the plant [201, 205].
Drug effectBitter, cooling, blood cleanser, improving blood circulation, poisonous [231].
Specific actionsAnti-inflammatory, analgesic, diaphoretic [231].
Frequency in useModerate.
Side effectIn general, all preparations containing Strychnos should be used in small doses and with great caution because of their toxicity [205].

Strychnine is a very toxic alkaloid with a lethal dose starts at about 0.4 mg / kg. In small doses it produces excitation of all parts of the central nervous system. Brucine is less active as a poison [205].
Pharmacological effectAqueous and ethanolic extracts of Strychnos leaves showed antifungal activity against several pathogens of rice in India [205].

Result of a test for the mechanism-based inhibition on cytochrome P 450 3A4 and CYP2D6 of S. ligustrina wood showed more than 30% increase of CYP 3A4 inhibition [PMID: 16414224].
Medical systemIndonesian medicine (Jamu)
Traditional usageBark, wood, roots are used in Indonesian traditional medicine to treat fever, snake bites, sores, wounds, eczema, as stomachic and vermifuge. Decoction of the wood is used as a blood purifier and is drunk to cure sores, abscess, acne.
In treating fever, wood is steeped in water to make a tea and drunk the tea to sweat. A combination of the wood with turmeric and fruit of Helicteres isora is steeped in water to make a tea and the tea is drunk for stomach problems. Wood is steeped in water and used externally for skin diseases, as an anthelmintics and in treating smallpox [201, 205].
Formulation1) Scabies, boils, skin inflammation with pus:
 500 mg of woods of S. ligustrina, 3 grams of leaves of Cassia alata, 4 grams of rhizome of turmeric are mixed and boiled with 110 ml of water to make a decoction. Use the decoction as a compress in the affected areas, renew after every 3 hours [231].

2) Rheumatism:
 100 mg of wood of S. ligustrina, 8 grams of leaves of Anacardium occidentale, 2 grams of seed of Apium graveolens are boiled with 100 ml of water to make a decoction. Drink 100 ml of the decoction once a day for 14 days [231].
ReferencesReference book 


[201] K. Heyne, Tumbuhan Berguna Indonesia, Vols. 1-4, 1987. Diedarkan Oleh Koperasi Karyawan Departemen Kehutanan, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Vol. 3, pp 1615-1616.

[205] de Pdua, L.S., Bunyapraphatsara, N. and Lemmens, R.H.M.J. (Editors), 1990. Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. 12 (1). Medicinal and poisonous plants 1. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, Netherlands.
pp 467-471.

[231] Soedibyo, Mooryati: Alam Sumber Kesehatan: Manfaat dan Kegunaan (Natural resources for health. Benefits and uses). Balai Pustaka. 1998.
pp 86-87.

Research paper1. Subehan, Usia T, Iwata H, Kadota S, Tezuka Y. Mechanism-based inhibition of CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 by Indonesian medicinal plants. J Ethnopharmacol. 24;105(3):449-55, 2006. (PMID: 16414224)
RemarksStrychnos has been used as an ingredient in tonic preparations, but it is no longer used in modern therapy [205].
Strychnos has been used medicinally in China since the 14th century.
Last renewal date2024/02/29