Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market nameKala mircha
Formal nameMarica
Other names   


Kali miricha (T), Kala moricha (B), Kali miricha (H), Ollimonasu (K), Kuru mulaku (M), Miriyaalu (Te), Milagu (Ta), Gammiris (Sin)
English nameBlack Pepper
Original plant namePiper nigrum Linn., Black Pepper
Family namePiperaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification immature fruit
Collection informationIndia, New Delhi, Hans Raj & Sons
Collection date1991/05/07
CollectorTsuneo Namba, et al.
TMPW No.12001

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Collection information
India,New Delhi

Scientific information data base

Crude drug nameAyurvedic name or
Sanskrit name, English name
Marica, Black Pepper
SynonymsSyamam, Palitam, Krsnam, Katukasitam, Yavanestam, Tiksnam, Laghuvallijam, Usanam, Krmijit, Carmabandhanam, Usa, Carmikam, Yavanapriyam, Kolakam, Colakam, Vrttam, Vellajam, Dharmapattanam, Sakangam, Viram, Kaphavirodhi, Saptamukhyam
crude drug image
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Original plant namePiper nigrum Linn.
Family namePiperaceae
Used partFruits
Distribution areaThroughout India; widely cultivated. Major production centres in India are Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Pondichery.
Common usesFruits are they are carminative, anthelmintic and appetizer prescribed in cough, intermittent fever, indigestion, hysteria, diabetes, piles, blood diseases, eczema, neuritis, night blindness, malarial fever, cholera, dyspepsia and flatulence, diseases of throat and skin. It is one of the ingredients of Trikatu, along with Pippali and Sunthi and an important bioavailability enhancer; as an alterative in paraplegia and arthritic diseases.
Therapeutic usesSvasa (respiratory disorders), Sula (colic), Krmi (worms), Samira (rheumatic conditions), Hrdroga (heart disease), Kasa (cough), Prameha (diabetic types), Arsas (piles)
Chemical constituent
- Fruits contain: alkaloids: piperine (4-10%), chavicine, piperidine, piperettine.

- Pepper is rich in lysine, histidine and cystine. Black pepper contains volatile oil (up to 4.8%).

Pharmacological effectThe alkaloid piperine has been found to have diverse pharmacological activities like CNS depressant activity, and antipyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities. Pepper, in a concentration of 0.1% or less lowered the phagocytic activity of the leucocytes. Extracts of pepper are found to have a hyper coagulative effect in vitro; they lessen the clotting time by accelerating the thrombin activation and lowering the heparin level in clotting systems.
Medical systemAyurveda (Traditional Indian medicine)
Traditional conceptRasa (Taste)Katu (Pungent)
Virya (Potency)Usna (Hot)
Guna (Quality)Laghu (Light), Tiksna (Sharp), Ruksa (Dry)
(Post digestive taste)
Katu (Pungent)
(General action)
Rucikara (appetising), Avrsyam (decreasing sexual strength), Cchedi (cutting), Sosakam (drying)
(Action on dosa)
Decreases Kapha Vata, increases Pitta
Traditional usage1. Intake of fine powder of Pippali (Piper longum) or Marica (Piper nigrum) checks even chronic dysentery.

2. One who takes powder of Marica mixed with Citraka (Plumbago zeylanica) and Suvarcala (a type of salt) with buttermilk becomes free from "Grahani roga " (sprue like condition) besides "Udara" (ascites), splenomegaly, deficient digestion, intestinal tumour/tumor and piles.

3. One should take Marica powder with ghee, honey, sugar or paste of Badari (Ziziphus mauritiana) leaves fried in ghee mixed with rocksalt. These are effective as linctus in hoarseness of voice, cough.

4. Marica mixed with sugarcandy, ghee and honey should be taken for cough.

5. Bharngi (Clerodedrum serratum) and Sunthi (dry ginger) or Marica and Yavaksara (alkali of Hordeum vulgare) should be taken with warm water for hiccough and asthma.

6. Marica mixed with jaggery removes acute coryza and is digestive for Kapha. The patient during this treatment should take diet with fatty and sour curd.

7. Marica mixed with ox bile should be applied to the face for pimples in puberty.

8. For convulsions, sour curd mixed with Marica and Vaca (Acorus calamus) should be taken on empty stomach.

9. In night blindness, Marica rubbed with curd is the best collyrium

10. Marica rubbed with juice of tamarind and mixed with ghee is applied as collyrium in evening. It removes itching and Timira caused by Vata.

11. Marica - 1 part mixed with realgar 1/2 part is powdered finely and applied as collyrium. It checks watering of eyes.

12. In excessive sleep, Marica rubbed with honey and horse's saliva is applied to eyes as collyrium. It eliminates excessive sleep.

13. For oedema in children, Marica mixed with butter should be given.

14. In obesity, betel leaf with ten grain of Marica followed by intake of cold water for two months is good. This makes the person thin and lean.

15. Use of Marica rubbed with breast milk as snuff alleviates colic. Similarly paste of jaggery and Marica taken with warm water.

16. Powder of Marica should be taken with fresh cow ghee for eczema and scabies.
FormulationTrikatu curna, Maricadi gutika, Maricadi taila, Maricadi curna, Maricadya ghrta, Apratisaranjana, Sanmaksika yoga, Pranda Gutika
CommentsFresh one is sweet in post digestive effect, not very hot, pungent, heavy. It aggravates kapha. This is included in the Dipaniya, Sulaprasamana, Krmighna, Sirovirecana gana of Caraka and Pippalyadi and Tryusana of Susruta.
ReferencesReference book 


[2] Indian Medicinal Plants - A Compendium of 500 species, Varier, P.S., Orient Longman Ltd. Chennai (Madras)
Vol. 4 (Repr.1997), pp 297-303.

Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants, 1956. Chopra, R.N., Nayar, S.L. and Chopra, I.C., Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi. - New Edition (1996) National Institute Science Communication; Supplement
p 194.

Illustrated Manual of Herbal Drugs Used in Ayurveda, 1996. Sarin, Y.K., Council of Scientific & Industrial Research and Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi
p 269.

Ayurvedic Drugs and Their Plant Sources, 1994. Sivarajan, V.V. and Balachandran, I., Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
p 294.

Plants in Ayurveda (A Compendium of Botanical and Sanskrit Names), 1997. Abdul Kareem, M., Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions, Bangalore

Dravyagunavijnana, Vols. 1-5, reprint 1998. Sharma, P.V., Chowkhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi
Vol. 2, pp 362-365.

Classical uses of Medicinal Plants, 1996. Sharma, P.V., Chaukhambha Visvabharati, Varanasi
p 290.

RemarksThe term Maricam indicates the property of the drug to dispel poison.
Last renewal date2024/01/12