Crude drug sample data base
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Crude drug name![]() | Market name | Vacha |
Formal name | Vaca | |
Other names Tips! | Bacha, Ghorbhacha (T), Bacha (B), Ghorbacha (H), Baje (K), Vayampu, Vashanpa (M), Vadaja (Te), Vashambu (Ta), Sudag (Ti), Wadakaha (Sin) | |
English name | Sweet Flag, Calamus, Sweet Root | |
Original plant name | Acorus calamus Linn., Sweet Flag, Calamus, Sweet Root | |
Family name | Araceae | |
Used part | Classification | Plant origin | Sub classification | rhizome |
Production area information | India, Mandya, Karnataka![]() | |
Collection information | India, Udupi, Karnataka![]() | |
Collection date | 2011/09/16 | |
Collector | Katsuko Komatsu, et al. | |
TMPW No. | 27482 |
The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative
location of its administrative area is indicated.
location of its administrative area is indicated.
Production area information
India,Mandya, Karnataka
Collection information
India,Udupi, Karnataka
Scientific information data base
Crude drug name | Ayurvedic name or Sanskrit name, English name | Vaca, Sweet Flag, Calamus, Sweet Root | ||||
Synonyms | Ugragandha, Sadgrantha, Golomi, Sataparvika, Ksudrapatri, Mangalya, Jatila, Ugra, Lomasa, Raksoghni, Vijaya, Bhadra, Mangalya | |||||
crude drug image |
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Original plant name | Acorus calamus Linn. | |||||
Family name | Araceae | |||||
Used part | Rhizome | |||||
Distribution area | Throughout India, wild or cultivated upto 2000m in Sikkim. Common in marshes in Kashmir, Manipur, and Nagaland. | |||||
Remarks | Common | |||||
Common uses | The drug has antispasmodic, antiinflammatory, carminative and anthelmintic properties and is used for the treatment of several diseases such as epilepsy, mental ailments, bronchial diseases, diarrhoea/diarrhea, dyspepsia, calculus, colic, abdominal distension, dysentery, kidney, liver disorders, rheumatism and eczema. It is used in the form of powder, balms, enemas, pills and ghee preparations. Skin of the rhizome is haemostatic/hemostatic. Fresh rhizomes are chewed to prevent intoxication from alcohol. It improves blood circulation and is effective in treating swollen and rough skin. Smoke of the rhizome is used to protect wounds from infestation, pain, itching and inflammation. Calamus oil from rhizomes is carminative, antispasmodic and antibacterial. It may have poisonous effect under certain conditions causing disturbed digestion and in severe cases gastro enteritis. | |||||
Therapeutic uses | Vibandha (block), Adhmana (distension of epigastrium), Sula (colic), Apasmara (epilespy), Unmada (mental disorders), Jantu (worms), Granthi (tumour/tumor), Sopha (oedema), Jvara (fever), Atisara (diarrhoea/diarrhea), Dantasula (toothache), Vatavalasa (arthritic conditions) | |||||
Chemical constituent | Sesquiterpenoids Calamenone (*C1, *C9), Acorone (*C2), Acoronene (*C2), Isocalamendiol (*C2), 2-Hydroxyacorenone (*C2), 2-Acetoxyacorenone (*C2), Epiacorone (*C2), 1-Hydroxyepiacorone (*C2), Epiacoronene (*C2), 1-Hydroxyacoronene (*C2), Acorusdiol (*C2), Acorusnol (*C2), Calamensesquiterpinenol (*C8) Diterpenoids Tartarol (*C10), Tararoside (*C10) Triterpenoid saponins 1beta, 2alpha, 3beta, 19alpha-Tetrahydroxyus-12-en-28-oic acid-28-O-{-beta-D-glucopyranosyl(1→2)}-beta-D-galactopyranoside (*C7), 3beta, 22alpha, 24, 29-Tetrahydroxyolean-12-en-3-O-{-beta-D-arabinosyl (1→2)}-beta-D-arabinopyranoside (*C7) Sterols Stigmast-5-en-3-ol (*C13) Phenylpropanoids 1-(2,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-Propane-1,2-dione (*C2), 1-(2,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-1-Methoxy-propan-2-ol (*C2), Benzenemethanol, alpha-ethynyl-4-hydroxy-,alpha-acetate (*C13) Xanthones 4,5,8-Trimethoxy-xanthone-2-O-beta-glucopyranosyl(1-2)-O-beta-galactopyranoside (*C6) Other aromatic derivatives Asarone (*C2, *C16), Asaraldehyde (*C2), beta-Asarone (*C3, C11, *C12), Z-Asarone (*C4, *C5), Asarylaldehyde (*C9) Isoquinoline alkaloids Tatarine A (*C15), Tatarine B (*C15), Tatarine C (*C15) Other nitrogen containing compounds Tataramide A (*C14), Tataramide B (*C14) | |||||
Chemical structure |
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Pharmacological effect | Antiinflammatory (rhizome), sedation (oil, asarone), hypotensive and hypothermic (asarone), anaesthetic (asarone, beta-asarone), anti-convulsive, anticholinergic, coccidiostatic activity (rhizome) | |||||
Medical system | Ayurveda (Traditional Indian medicine) | |||||
Traditional concept | Rasa (Taste) | Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter) | ||||
Virya (Potency) | Usna (Hot) | |||||
Guna (Quality) | Ruksa (Dry) | |||||
Vipaka (Post digestive taste) | Katu (Pungent) | |||||
Prabhava (Special action) | Medhya (good for intellect) | |||||
Karma (General action) | Vantikrt (induces vomiting), Vahnikrt (improving digestive fire), Medhya (good for intellect), Ayusya (promoting life), Vrsya (aphrodisiac), Vakprada (good for voice) | |||||
Dosakarma (Action on dosa) | Decreases Kapha Vata | |||||
Mala (Action on excretory mechanism) | Sakrtmutra sodhana (eliminating urine and faecal matter) | |||||
Avayava (Action on organ) | Kanthya (good for throat) | |||||
Traditional usage | 1. One suffering from diarrhoea/diarrhea should take water boiled with Vaca (Acorus calamus) and Prativisa (Aconitum spp.). 2. Old ghee processed with Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri) juice, Vaca, Kustha (Saussurea lappa) and Sankhapuspi (Convolvulus pluricaulis) alleviates insanity, inauspiciousness, epilepsy and sinful conditions. 3. Paste of Vaca and Sarsapa (mustard) removes oedema and scrotal enlargement. 4. Application of the paste of Vaca, Kustha, Vidanga (Embelia ribes) etc., is useful in skin diseases. 5. Paste of Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa), Dhanyaka (coriander) and Vaca removes pimples of puberty. 6. In hemicrania, pressed snuff of Vaca and Pippali (Piper longum) and honey is useful. 7. After venesection, paste of Vaca and Devadaru (Cedrus deodara) or Gunja (Abrus precatorius) should be applied in alopecia. 8. In ophthalmia neonatorum, emesis should be induced with Vaca powder with honey. 9. Regular intake of ghee cooked hundred times with Vaca makes one long lived and free from diseases. Similarly by using for a month Vaca with milk or ghee or oil one becomes invincible for pathogenic agents and endowed with sharp intellect and sweet voice. 10. Vaca, Sauvarcala (a type of salt), Hing (Ferula assa-foetida), Kustha, Ativisa (Aconitum heterophyllum), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) and Indrayava (Holarrhena pubescens) - these alleviates colic immediately. 11. Haemorrhoids/hemorrhoids, after anointing with oil should be fomented with warm pouched lump of Vaca and Satapuspa (Anethum sowa) added with unctous substance. 12. In indigestion, emesis should be induced with decoction of Vaca added with salt. One should take Vaca mixed with honey and jaggery in acid gastritis. 13. Milk added with water and Vaca should be taken in order to alleviate upward movement of Vata due to retention of urine. 14. In heart diseases caused by Kapha, patient should be vomited with decoction of Vaca and Nimba (Azadirachta indica). 15. In rat poisoning, one should take Vaca with rice water in morning for three or seven days keeping on wholesome diet. It counteracts be poison. 16. One who keeps the nodular piece of Vaca in mouth day and night gets rid of the diseases of mouth. 17. By applying Vaca powder after the anointment of Kapittha (Limonia acidissima) mixed with oil the wound of pinnae heals up. | |||||
Formulation | Sarasvata curna, Medhya rasayana, Yogaraja guggulu, Vaca yoga. | |||||
Related drugs | 1. Alpinia galanga Willd. (Zingiberaceae) 2. Aconitum sp. (Ranunculaceae) | |||||
Comments | Another variety of Vaca according to Raja nighantu and Bhavaprakasa nighantu is called Sveta Vaca - Medhya, Sadgrantha, Haimavati, Dirghapatrika, Tiksnagandha, Mangalya, Vijaya. This is correlated by P.V. Sharma to Iris germanica. Vaca is included in Virecana, Lekhaniya, Arsoghna, Trptighna, Asthapanopaga, Sitaprasamana, Samjnasthapana, Tiktaskandha, Sirovirecana gana of Caraka and Pippalyadi, Vacadi, Mustadi, Urdhvabhagahara of Susruta. | |||||
References | Reference book Tips! | [2] Indian Medicinal Plants - A Compendium of 500 species, Varier, P.S., Orient Longman Ltd. Chennai (Madras) Vol. 1 (Repr.1996), pp 51-54. Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants, 1956. Chopra, R.N., Nayar, S.L. and Chopra, I.C., Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi. - New Edition (1996) National Institute Science Communication; Supplement p 5. Illustrated Manual of Herbal Drugs Used in Ayurveda, 1996. Sarin, Y.K., Council of Scientific & Industrial Research and Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi p 110. Ayurvedic Drugs and Their Plant Sources, 1994. Sivarajan, V.V. and Balachandran, I., Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi p 494. Plants in Ayurveda (A Compendium of Botanical and Sanskrit Names), 1997. Abdul Kareem, M., Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions, Bangalore 38. Dravyagunavijnana, Vols. 1-5, reprint 1998. Sharma, P.V., Chowkhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi Vol. 2, pp 28-31. Classical uses of Medicinal Plants, 1996. Sharma, P.V., Chaukhambha Visvabharati, Varanasi p 334. | ||||
Research paper | *C1 Wu, L, Xiang, T., Liu, T., Li. M., Gao. Z. and Meng, X.; Bopuxue. Zazhi, 15, 249-251 (1998). *C2 Nawamaki, K. and Kuroyangi, M.; Phytochemistry, 43, 1175-82 (1996). *C3 Narayana, D. B. A., Raghuvanshi, P., Agarwal, S. and Srinivas, K. S. ; Indian Drugs, 32, 454-57 (1995). *C4 Sugimoto, N., Mikage, M., Ohtsubo, H., Kiuchi, F. and Tsuda, Y.; Nat. Med. 51, 259-264 (1997). *C5 Srivastara, M., Saxena, A.and Baby, P.; Orient. J. Chem., 13, 97-98 (1997). *C6 Rai, R., Gupta, A., Siddqui, I. R. and Singh, J.; Indian J. Chem. Sect. B. 38B, 1143-44 (1999). *C7 Rai, R., Siddqui, I. R. and Singh, J.; Indian J. Chem. Sect. B. 37B, 473-76 (1998). *C8 Wu. L., Sun, L., Li, M., Jiang, Z., Lu. Y., Tian, Z. and Zhao, H.; Zhongguo Yaown Huaxue Zazhi, 3, 201-2 (1993). *C9 Wu, L., Jun, S., Ling, L., Li, M., Yang, H., Jiang, Z., Li, Y., Tian, Z., Zheng, Q., Miyase, T. and Ueno, A.; Yakugaku Zasshi, 114, 182-85 (1994). *C10 Wang, M. F., Lao, A. N. and Wang, H. C.; Chin. Chem. Lett., 8, 37-38 (1997). *C11 McGaw, L. J., Jager, A. K. and van Staden, J.; South Africn Journal of Botany, 68, 31-35 (2002). *C12 Tamas, M., Oprean, R. and Roman, L.; Farmacia, 44, 13-21 (1996). *C13 Choudhury, A. K. A., Ara, T., Hashim, M. F., Ahmed, M.; Pharmazie, 48, 786-87 (1993). *C14 Wang, M. F., Lao, A. N. and Wang, H. C.; Chin. Chem. Lett., 8, 35-36 (1997). *C15 Lao, A., Tang, X., Wang, H. and Wang, M.; Faming Zhuanli Shenqing Gongkai Shoumingshu CN 1220260 A 23, 15 pp (1999). *C16 Ali, M. A.; Bangladesh J. Sci. Ind. Res., 29, 87-93 (1994). | |||||
Remarks | Dried rhizomes constitute the drug calamus of commerce. | |||||
Last renewal date | 2024/01/10 |