Crude drug sample data base
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Crude drug name![]() | Market name | Salparni |
Formal name | Prsniparni | |
Other names Tips! | Salpan, Salvan (H), Nabiyalabune, Nariyalavona (K), Orila (M), Gitanaram (Te), Orilai (Ta), Salopharm (Ti), Kairoci jhar, Sal parni, Preshni panni (N) | |
Original plant name | Desmodium gangeticum (L.) DC. | |
Family name | Leguminosae | |
Used part | Classification | Plant origin | Sub classification | root |
Collection information | India, New Delhi![]() | |
Collection date | 1986/11/07 | |
Collector | Tsuneo Namba, et al. | |
TMPW No. | 5479 |
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India,New Delhi
Scientific information data base
Crude drug name | Ayurvedic name or Sanskrit name, English name | Prsniparni | |||
Synonyms | Sthiradvitiya, Guha, Langali, Krsnapuspika, Pritakparni, Klitani, Triparni, Kalasi, Krsnapuspa, Praparni, Krostupuspika, Srigalavinna, Srostha, Varti, Citraparni, Anghriparnika, Krosthuvinna, Simhapucchi, Kalasi, Dhavani, Guha, Mahaguha, Dhamani, Mekhala, Langalika, Krosthukapucchika, Srgalika, Dirghaparni, Dirgha, Apacitra, Svapuccha, Snigdhaparnika, Vrttila, Languli, Parnika | ||||
crude drug image |
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Original plant name | Desmodium gangeticum (L.) DC. | ||||
Family name | Leguminosae | ||||
Used part | Root | ||||
Distribution area | Throughout India, upto 1500m in the Himalayas. | ||||
Remarks | Abundant. | ||||
Common uses | This drug is hot, sweet, diuretic, laxative and nervine tonic. The drug is reported to be useful in the treatment of cardiac disorders, asthma, brain affections, catarrhal fever, inflammatory conditions, diarrhoea/diarrhea, chronic fever, biliousness, cough, vomiting, pyorrhoea/pyorrhea and rheumatic pyorrhoea. This is considered to be one of the important tonic plants for musculature. Its role in diet, exercise, massage and sedation for attaining physical fitness of sports persons has been reported. Seeds are powdered and the paste used in skin eruptions. Root is one of the ten drugs that constitute the Dasamula (ten roots) group. | ||||
Therapeutic uses | Daha (burning), Jvara (fever), Svasa (respiratory disorders), Raktatisara (diarrhoea/diarrhea with blood), Trt (thirst), Vami (vomiting), Kasa (cough), Vataroga (rheumatic disorders), Unmada (mental disorders), Vrana (wounds), Grahani (irritable bowels) | ||||
Chemical constituent | Root contains Gangetin, sugars and fatty oils. | ||||
Pharmacological effect | Gangetin showed anti-inflammatory activity at 50-100mg/kg in rats. Root extract exhibited anti-fertility activity. The root contains sugars, fatty oil, and alkaloids. The root extract exhibited significant antifertility activity at 50 and 100 mg/kg in rats. Gangetin, one of the pterocarpons isolated from hexane extract of the root showed significant antiinflammation activity at 50 and 100 mg/kg in rats. The herbal compound alaparnyadia curna was assessed for irritable bowel syndrome in a clinical trial. The results showed positive response in all cases. | ||||
Medical system | Ayurveda (Traditional Indian medicine) | ||||
Traditional concept | Rasa (Taste) | Madhura (Sweet), Tikta (Bitter) | |||
Virya (Potency) | Usna (Hot) | ||||
Guna (Quality) | Laghu (Light), Snigdha (Unctuous) | ||||
Vipaka (Post digestive taste) | Madhura (Sweet) | ||||
Karma (General action) | Vrsya (increasing sexual potency) | ||||
Dosakarma (Action on dosa) | Decreases all three dosas | ||||
Dhatukarma(Action on body tissues) | Asra (blood) | ||||
Mala (Action on excretory mechanism) | Sara (laxative) | ||||
Traditional usage | 1. Liquid gruel cooked with Prsniparni (Desmodium gangeticum) checks diarrhoea/diarrhea with blood. 2. Goat's milk cooked with Prsniparni and added with sugar and honey is good for arthritic conditions. 3. In preparation of ghee for wound healing Prsniparni, Kapikacchu (Mucuna pruriens), Haridra (turmeric), Daruharidra (Berberis aristata), Jati (Jasminum officinale), jaggery, "Kakolyadi" (a group of drugs) should be used. 4. Powdered root of Prsniparni taken with meat soup for three weeks unites fracture. 5. Liquid gruel of parched paddy processed with Bala (Sida retusa) and Prsniparni checks bleeding. 6. In case of thirst in alcoholism by Kapha, water processed with Balaka (Plectranthus vettiveroides) or Bala or Prsniparni or Kantakari (Solanum surattense) should be given. 7. In intrinsic haemorrhage/hemorrhage gruels prepared of Masura (Lens culinaris) and Prsniparni cooled and added with honey and sugar is beneficial. | ||||
Formulation | Dasamularistam, Dasamulam kasaya, Dasamulakatutrayam kasaya, Brhatyadi kasaya, Cyavanaprasa, Dhanvantaram taila | ||||
Related drugs | Desmodium velutinum (L.) DC. | ||||
Comments | In South India, Prsniparni is identified as Desmodium gangeticum, where as in North India, Salaparni is Desmodium gangeticum. Many commentators of Ayurveda materia medica also identify Salaparni as Desmodium gangeticum. This has caused confusion in the meanings of the words Salaparni and Prsniparni. Bhavaprakasa clearly gives Triparni as synonym for Salaparni. Desmodium gangeticum has simple leaves and does not contain trifoliate nature where as Pseudarthria viscida identified as Salaparni in Kerala has trifoliate nature. Only Abhidhanamanjari says Triparni as synonym of Prisniparni. Few other species like D. velutinum, D. laxiflorum are also being used as substitute for this. Synonyms like Krostukapucchi, Simhapucchi, Svapuccha, Krostuvinna all these refer to the foxtail like inflorescence, Dirghaparni denotes the long leaves, Citraparni the black dots on the leaves, Sthira - strength of root and stem. This is one of the ingredients of major traditional groups such as Laghupancamula, Dasamula etc. This is also included in Angamardaprasamana, Sandhaniya, Sothahara, Madhuraskandhagana by Caraka and Vidarigandhadi, Haridradi, Laghupancamula by Susruta. | ||||
References | Reference book Tips! | [2] Indian Medicinal Plants - A Compendium of 500 species, Varier, P.S., Orient Longman Ltd. Chennai (Madras) Vol. 2 (Repr.1997), pp 319-3221. Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants, 1956. Chopra, R.N., Nayar, S.L. and Chopra, I.C., Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi. - New Edition (1996) National Institute Science Communication; Supplement p 94. Illustrated Manual of Herbal Drugs Used in Ayurveda, 1996. Sarin, Y.K., Council of Scientific & Industrial Research and Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi p 82. Ayurvedic Drugs and Their Plant Sources, 1994. Sivarajan, V.V. and Balachandran, I., Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi p 382. Plants in Ayurveda (A Compendium of Botanical and Sanskrit Names), 1997. Abdul Kareem, M., Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions, Bangalore 595. Dravyagunavijnana, Vols. 1-5, reprint 1998. Sharma, P.V., Chowkhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi Vol. 2, pp 822-823. Classical uses of Medicinal Plants, 1996. Sharma, P.V., Chaukhambha Visvabharati, Varanasi p 254. | |||
Remarks | Roots are the officinal part of the drug Prsniparni. Some consider roots of Uraria picta Desv. ex DC., as the botanical source of this drug, and consider Uraria hamosa Wall. as a substitute. Species of Desmodium and Flemingia are considered to be the common adulterants. | ||||
Last renewal date | 2023/12/26 |