Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market nameEla batu
Formal nameKantakari
Other names   


Kateli (T), Kantakari (B), Kateli (H), Nelagulla, Kiragulla (K), Kantakari valutina (M), Chinna mulaga, Nelamulaka (Te), Kandankathri (Ta), Ela-batu (Sin)
Original plant nameSolanum surattense Burm. f. (= Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad & Wendl.)
Family nameSolanaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification root
Collection informationDemocratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, Colombo, Ayurveda Cooperation
Collection date1983/02/
TMPW No.1567

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Collection information
Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka,Colombo

Scientific information data base

Crude drug nameAyurvedic name or
Sanskrit name, English name
Kantakari (Root)
SynonymsKsudra, Vartaki, Nidigdhika, Dusparsa, Kantakini, Vyaghri, Dhavani, Brhati, Duspradharsini, Nidigdha, Ksudrakantika, Bahukanta, Ksudraphala, Kantakarika, Citraphala.
crude drug image
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Original plant nameSolanum surattense Burm. f. (= Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad & Wendl.)
Family nameSolanaceae
Used partRoot, Fruit, Whole plant
Distribution areaOccurs in India, tropical Asia, Australia and Polynesial Islands. It is a very common weed upto 6000 feet altitude in Ceylon.
Common usesRoot is an expectorant, forming an ingredient of the well known Ayurvedic medicine, Dasamula (a group of ten roots). It is used in cough, asthma and pains in chest, being used in the form of a decoction or an electuary.
Therapeutic usesKasasvasa (respiratory disorders), Pinasa (running nose), Jvara (fever), Parsva pida (pain on the lateral aspect of trunk), krmi (worms), Kandu (itching), Meda (obesity), Asma (urinary calculi), Krcchra (urinary disorders)
Chemical constituentOthers
- Glycosidal alkaloid Solanocarpine is obtained from the seeds.

- Solanocarpine (1-3%); Solanine-S which on hydrolysis yield alkaloid Solanidine-S.

- Fruits yield carpesteral. The fruits contain Gluco-alkaloids.

Pharmacological effectPharmacological studies on this herb have shown that aqueous and alcoholic extracts of the plant possess hypotensive effect which is partly inhibited by atropine; the more persistent secondary fall in the blood pressure and broncho-constriction are inhibited by the antihistamine drugs. Both glycoalkaloid and fatty acid fractions of the extract cause liberation of histamine from chopped lung-tissue. The beneficial effect of the drug on bronchial asthma may be attributed to the depletion of histamine from bronchial and lung-tissue. Extracts of the whole plant show antiviral activity against Ranikhet disease-virus and also against Sarcoma 180 in the mice. Extracts of shoot and fruit show antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in phosphate buffer, pH 9.0. The ethanolic extract of roots exhibited antifungal activity against Aspergillus niger and A. flavus and stem extract against A. niger.
Medical systemAyurveda (Traditional Indian medicine)
Traditional conceptRasa (Taste)Tikta (Bitter), Katu (Pungent)
Virya (Potency)Usna (Hot)
Guna (Quality)Ruksa (Dry), Laghu (Light), Tiksna (Sharp)
(Post digestive taste)
Katu (Pungent)
(General action)
Dipani (increasing digestive fire), Pacani (digestive)
(Action on dosa)
Decreases Kapha Vata
on body tissues)
Suklarecana (expells reproductive tissue), Medas (adipose tissue)
(Action on excretory mechanism)
Bhedani (purgative)
(Action on organ)
Hrdya (good for heart)
Traditional usage1. Kantakari (Solanum surattense) 1 part, asafoetida 1/2 part along with honey should be taken to relieve asthma.

2. Kantakari juice cooked with ghee cures all types of respiratory disorders.

3. Kantakari juice is taken internally for dysuria.

4. Post drink processed with Kantakari or Sunthi (dry ginger) and Dhanyaka (coriander) is given which acts as carminative and laxative in piles.

5. One who wants elimination of piles should take buttermilk kept overnight in a vessel pasted inside with Kantakari fruit.

6. The soup of green gram made in decoction of Kantakari and added with Ardraka (fresh ginger) and sours is efficacious in all types of coughs.

7. Ghee cooked with decoction of Kantakari or oil processed with Kasamarda (Cassia occidentalis), Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) and Bhrngaraja (Eclipta alba) or Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) mixed with salt checks cough caused by Vata.

8. The whole plant of Kantakari should be cooked by closed heating. The juice obtained and added with Pippali (Piper longum) powder alleviates cough, bronchial asthma and disorders of Kapha.

9. The physician should administer the decoction of Kantakari, Guduci (Tinospora cordifolia) and Sunthi added with Pippali powder in case of asthma, cough, facial paralysis, chronic coryza, anorexia, hoarseness of voice, abdominal pain, indigestion and fever.

10. Kantakari in the equal quantity to an Amalaka (Phyllanthus emblica) fruit added with half quantity of Hing (asafetida) and taken with honey alleviates asthma within three days.

11. Barley along with equal quantity of Kantakari fruits boiled in water is reduced to 8 parts. This is added with Hing and given to the patient.

12. In condition of pain in pelvic region, sides and head, liquid gruel of parched paddy processed with Kantakari and Goksura (Tribulus terrestris) should be given in fever.

13. Snuffing with juice of Kantakari fruits, eliminates the attack of epilepsy and restores consciousness quickly.

14. Decoction of Kantakari with honey is useful in suppression and retention of urine.

15. Yavaksara (alkali of Hordeum vulgare) mixed with equal quantity of sugar alleviates all types of dysuria. Similarly acts decoction of Kantakari added with honey.

16. Roots of Goksura, Iksuraka (Hygrophila schulli) and Eranda (castor) along with both types of Brhati (Solanum spp.) pounded with milk should be dissolved in sweet curd and taken for a week. It breaks calculus.

17. Warm goat's milk processed with the root of Kantakari is useful for sprinkling

18. Linctus prepared with stamens of Kantakari flowers alleviates chronic cough in children.
FormulationNidigdhikadi kvatha, Vyaghriharitaki, Kantakari ghrta, Vyaghri taila, Kanakasavam, Putikaranjasavam, Suranadi leham
CommentsFruits are pungent in taste and post digestive effect.

Kantakari is included in Kasahara, Kanthya, Hikkanigrahana, Sothahara, Sitaprasamana, Angamardaprasamana, groups of Caraka and Brhatyadi, Varunadi, Laghupancamula groups of Susruta.
ReferencesReference book 


[2] Indian Medicinal Plants - A Compendium of 500 species, Varier, P.S., Orient Longman Ltd. Chennai (Madras)
Vol. 5 (Repr.1997), pp 164-169.

Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants, 1956. Chopra, R.N., Nayar, S.L. and Chopra, I.C., Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi. - New Edition (1996) National Institute Science Communication; Supplement
p 230.

Ayurvedic Drugs and Their Plant Sources, 1994. Sivarajan, V.V. and Balachandran, I., Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
p 211.

The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Part I, Vol I, Ed. I, 1989. Govt. of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Dept. of Health, New Delhi
p 59.

Plants in Ayurveda (A Compendium of Botanical and Sanskrit Names), 1997. Abdul Kareem, M., Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions, Bangalore

Dravyagunavijnana, Vols. 1-5, reprint 1998. Sharma, P.V., Chowkhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi
Vol. 2, pp 280-282.

Classical uses of Medicinal Plants, 1996. Sharma, P.V., Chaukhambha Visvabharati, Varanasi
p 71.

RemarksThe macerated plant in coconut oil is given to cattle at the time of calf delivery. A decoction of roots or crushed fruits with mine salt is given to cattle for stomachache or constipation. Fruits are esteemed for curries. Seeds also are eaten. The herb affords fodder for goats.

The commercial drug is found adulterated with roots of other plants and spiny pieces of the aerial parts of the herb.
Last renewal date2023/12/21