Crude drug sample data base

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Crude drug name

Market nameMakododi
Formal nameKakamaci
Other names   


Makoi (T), Gurkamai (B), Makoi (H), Manatakkali (M), Kacchipundu (Te), Manatakkali (Ta)
English nameBlack Night Shade
Original plant nameSolanum nigrum L., Black Night Shade
Family nameSolanaceae
Used partClassificationPlant origin
Sub classification fruit
Collection informationIndia, New Delhi, Hans Raj & Sons
Collection date1991/05/07
CollectorTsuneo Namba, et al.
TMPW No.12099

The capital city, provincial capital city or the representative  
location of its administrative area is indicated.  
Production area information
Collection information
India,New Delhi

Scientific information data base

Crude drug nameAyurvedic name or
Sanskrit name, English name
Kakamaci, Black Night Shade
SynonymsKapota, Macika, Sarpakarika, Kakasahva, Barbarika, Vayasi, Janghanaiphala, Krsnamula, Gudhaphala, Katvi, Bahuphala, Rasayanavara, Dhvanksamaci, Kakahva, Vayasi, Vayasahva, Sarvatikta, Katphala, Rasayani, Gucchaphala, Kakamata, Svadupaka, Sundari, Vara, Candrovini, Matsyaksi, Kusthanasini, Tiktika, Bahutikta
crude drug image
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Original plant nameSolanum nigrum L.
Family nameSolanaceae
Used partWhole plant, Fruits
Distribution areaThroughout India in dry parts upto 2100m.
Common usesIt is tonic, diuretic and cathartic. It is useful in anasarca and heart diseases. It is employed as a domestic remedy for fever, diarrhoea/diarrhea, ulcers, eye troubles and hiccough.
Therapeutic usesKustha (skin diseases), Sopha (swelling), Arsa (piles), Jvara (fever), Meha (diabetic types), Hikka (hiccough), Chardi (vomiting), Hrdroga (heart diseases), Sula (colic), Kandu (itching), Atisara (diarrhoea/diarrhea), Svasakasa (respiratory disorders), Hrdroga (heart diseases)
Chemical constituentOthers
- Fruits contain- glucose and fructose(15-20%), Vitamin C and beta-carotene.

- Green unripe fruits contain toxic alkaloids-glyco alkaloids.

- Ripe fruits contain very little alkaloid, solasodine, solanine, saponin.

- Total alkaloid content of the fruits is 0.101%.

- Immature fruits contain: solamargnine, solasonine and alpha and beta solanigrine - all yield solasodine.

Pharmacological effectRipe fruit is effective in treating diseases of heart and eye, piles, leucoderma, asthma, jaundice, due to the presence of the active principle solasodine. Aqueous extracts of the ripe fruit inhibit choline esterase activity of human plasma.
Medical systemAyurveda (Traditional Indian medicine)
Traditional conceptRasa (Taste)Tikta (Bitter), Katu (Pungent)
Virya (Potency)Usna (Hot)
Guna (Quality)Snigdha (Unctuous), Laghu (Light)
(Post digestive taste)
Katu (Pungent)
(General action)
Vrsya (aphrodisiac), Rasayana (rejuvenative), Svarya (good for voice)
(Action on dosa)
Decreases all three dosas
on body tissues)
Suklada (increasing reproductive tissue), Dhatuvardhini (increasing body tissues)
(Action on excretory mechanism)
Sara (laxative)
(Action on organ)
Netrahita (good for eye), Karna (ear)
Traditional usage1. Paste of whole plant is applied to skin to relieve "Kustha" (skin diseases).

2. Fruits along with ghee is burned and smoke coming out is good for "Pilla" (an eye disease).

3. Seeds of Kakamaci (Solanum nigrum) and Tila (sesame) seeds are boiled in oil and used as nasal drops for colour of hair.

4. Root of Kakamaci is made into a paste with Aloe leaf. If this is taken after menstrual periods helps conception.

5. Kakamaci promotes strength if used as decoction with jaggery, Pippali (Piper longum) or Marica (black pepper). Ghee cooked with Kakamaci also acts similarly.

6. Ghee cooked with the juice of Kakadani (Cardiospermum halicacabum) and Kakamaci is useful.

7. Sirisa (Albizia lebbeck), Karpasa (Gossypium herbaceum), Aragvadha (Cassia fistula) and Kakamaci - these are four pastes beneficial in "kustha".

8. Similarly, vegetable of Kakamaci, Vastuka (Chenopodium murale) and other bitter Patola (Trichosanthes cucumerina) etc., cooked without salt in water and oil are useful.

9. Vastuka, Kakamaci etc., are useful as vegetable in cough caused by Vata and so also are other sweet, sour and salty substances in cough.

10. Sunthi pounded with Kakamaci juice alleviates urticarial patches.

11. For conception, Kakamaci root is pounded by an unmarried girl in pusya constellation and the juice so extracted is taken by the woman who conceives excellently.

12. Root of Syama (Operculina turpethum), Parusaka (Grewia asiatica), Priyangu (Callicarpa macrophylla) and Kakamaci is pounded separately and the paste is applied below umbilicus. It helps delivery of foetus.
FormulationKakamaci arka
CommentsThis is included in Tiktaskandha group of Caraka.
ReferencesReference book 


[2] Indian Medicinal Plants - A Compendium of 500 species, Varier, P.S., Orient Longman Ltd. Chennai (Madras)
Vol. 5 (Repr.1997), pp 160-13.

Glossary of Indian Medicinal Plants, 1956. Chopra, R.N., Nayar, S.L. and Chopra, I.C., Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, New Delhi. - New Edition (1996) National Institute Science Communication; Supplement
p 229.

Ayurvedic Drugs and Their Plant Sources, 1994. Sivarajan, V.V. and Balachandran, I., Oxford & IBH Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
p 201.

Plants in Ayurveda (A Compendium of Botanical and Sanskrit Names), 1997. Abdul Kareem, M., Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions, Bangalore

Dravyagunavijnana, Vols. 1-5, reprint 1998. Sharma, P.V., Chowkhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi
Vol. 2, pp 540-542.

Classical uses of Medicinal Plants, 1996. Sharma, P.V., Chaukhambha Visvabharati, Varanasi
p 90.

Last renewal date2023/12/21