Crude drug sample data base
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Crude drug name![]() | Market name | Singhara nut |
Formal name | Srngataka | |
Other names Tips! | Paniphal (B), Singhara (K), Karimpolam (M), Kubyakama (Te), Singhara (Ta) | |
English name | Water Chestnut, Caltrops, Singhara Nut | |
Original plant name | Trapa bispinosa Roxb. (= Trapa natans Linn. var. bispinosa (Roxb.) Makino) (= Trapa quadrispinosa Wall.), Water Chestnut, Caltrops, Singhara Nut | |
Family name | Onagraceae | |
Used part | Classification | Plant origin | Sub classification | fruit |
Collection information | Kingdom of Nepal, Kathmandu![]() | |
Collection date | 1983/03/ | |
TMPW No. | 9966 |
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Production area information
Collection information
Kingdom of Nepal,Kathmandu
Scientific information data base
Crude drug name | Ayurvedic name or Sanskrit name, English name | Srngataka, Water Chestnut, Caltrops, Singhara Nut | |||
Synonyms | Triputaka, Jalakanda, Jalaphala, Trikonaphala, Srngaruha, Jalavalli, Jalasraya, Srngakanda, Srngmula, Visani, Trikanta. | ||||
crude drug image |
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Original plant name | Trapa bispinosa Roxb. (= Trapa natans Linn. var. bispinosa (Roxb.) Makino) (= Trapa quadrispinosa Wall.) | ||||
Family name | Onagraceae | ||||
Used part | Seeds and fruit pulp | ||||
Distribution area | The plant is cultivated for its fruits in tanks, lakes, ponds, etc. throughout India, particularly in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Orissa. | ||||
Common uses | Kernels are used for strengthening the viscosity of semen. | ||||
Therapeutic uses | Santapa (burning sensation), Srama (tiredness), Sopha (oedema), Raktapitta (vitiation of blood by Pitta), Bhrama (giddiness), Sukradaurbalya (loss of libido). | ||||
Chemical constituent | - Analysis of the kernels gave the following values: moisture, 70.0; protein, 4.7; fat, 0.3; fibre, 0.6; other carbohydrates 23.3; and mineral matter, 1.1%; calcium, 20; phosphorus, 150; and iron, 0.8mg./100g. - Other minerals reported are: copper, 1.27, manganese, 5.7; magnesium, 38; sodium, 49; and potassium, 650mg./100g. Iodine (50.6 aeg./100g.) is also present. - The vitamin contents of the kernel are; thiamine, 0 05; riboflavin, 0.07; nicotinic acid, 0.6; and vitamin C, 9 mg./100 g.; vitamin A, 20 I.U./100 g. - The kernels contain 15.8mg./100g. oxalates on dry wt. The presence of a-amylase and a considerable amount of phosphorylase has been reported in the kernels. | ||||
Medical system | Ayurveda (Traditional Indian medicine) | ||||
Traditional concept | Rasa (Taste) | Madhura (Sweet), Kasaya (Astringent) | |||
Virya (Potency) | Sita (Cold) | ||||
Guna (Quality) | Guru (Heavy), Ruksa (Dry) | ||||
Vipaka (Post digestive taste) | Madhura (Sweet) | ||||
Karma (General action) | Vrsya (aphrodisiac), Grahi (constipative), Ruciprada (improves taste), Jivana (life giving), Tarpana (nourishing), Raktadosapaha (pacifies vitiated blood), Vistambhi (constipative). | ||||
Dosakarma (Action on dosa) | Decreases Pitta | ||||
Dhatukarma(Action on body tissues) | Rakta dosapaha (pacifies blood), Sukraprada (improves sukra dhatu) | ||||
Mala (Action on excretory mechanism) | Vistambhi (constipative) | ||||
Traditional usage | 1. Srngataka (Trapa bispinosa) is wholesome as diet in indigestion and thirst. 2. Srngataka paste is applied on the affected part in burning sensation. 3. Kaseruka (Cyperus spp.), Srngataka, lotus stem, Vidari (Peuraria tuberosa) tuber etc. should be consumed to increase the flow of breast milk. 4. Srngataka is one of the ingredients in "apatyakara svarasa" and "vrsya ghrta" (two formulations) which are aphrodisiac formulations. 5. One should take powder of Srngataka, parched paddy, Musta (Cyperus rotundus), Kharjura (dates) and lotus stamens with honey to stop haemorrhage/hemorrhage. 6. In consumption and chest wound, one should take Triphala* (a group of three fruits), Pippali (Piper longum), Musta, Srngataka and Nagabala (Grewia hirsuta) should be taken with honey and ghee. It alleviates cough, asthma, chest pain and hoarseness of voice. 7. Srngataka is an ingredient in "Amrtaprasa ghrta" and "Sarpiguda" (two formulations), compound preparations used in case of consumption and chest wound. 8. In cough caused by Pitta, Srngataka, lotus seeds, Nili (Indigofera tinctoria) and Gajapippali (Scindapsus officinalis) - these should be mixed with ghee and honey and taken as linctus. 9. In thirst, water processed with Kaseru, Srngataka, Kamala (lotus), Kadali (Musa paradisiaca), lotus stem and sugarcane should be taken when it is caused by wound. 10. In dysuria caused by Pitta, the patient should take decoction of Srngataka, Vidari. --- Triphala*, a group of three fruits, i.e., Amalaka, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki. It is beneficial for increasing appetite, improving eyesight, and treating chronic intermittent fever | ||||
Formulation | Vrsya ghrta, Dvipancamuladya ghrta, Sukumaraka taila, Mahamayuradya ghrta, Apatyakara svarasa, Eladi taila. | ||||
Comments | Its synonym jalaphala, jalavalli, jalasraya indicate that it is an aquatic plant. Srngakanda and srngamula indicate that its root bears resemblance with horn. Trikona, triputa means that leaves are triangular in shape. | ||||
References | Reference book Tips! | [2] Indian Medicinal Plants - A Compendium of 500 species, Varier, P.S., Orient Longman Ltd. Chennai (Madras) Vol. 5 (Repr.1997), pp 308-310. Dravyagunavijnana, Vols. 1-5, reprint 1998. Sharma, P.V., Chowkhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi Vol. 2, pp 588-590. Classical uses of Medicinal Plants, 1996. Sharma, P.V., Chaukhambha Visvabharati, Varanasi p 377. | |||
Remarks | The biological value of the proteins of water chestnut was also found to be higher than that of proteins in wheat (protein efficiency ratio at 7% level: singhara, 1.8; wheat, 1.1). | ||||
Last renewal date | 2024/01/12 |